And Sundry

Jan 22, 2014 14:50

 1.  I haven't forgotten the posting meme, I've just been distracted by trying to catch up with posting on anime and WisCon panels.  Also, the few prompts I've received require thinking.

2.  speaking of WisCon, I submitted 2 panels ideas and bought my registration today, and feel more victorious about it than I really should.  I've also verified that I have at least 1 roommate.

3.  I have been very bleh about watching US TV the last month or so.  And it's not "bleh" for the shows themselves, but that kind of blehness where you really want to watch something and have the opportunity, but...don't.

4.  The only new-ish English language TV I've been watching is Harper's Island and season 2 of The Paradise.  Maybe Elaine Cassidy has magical powers over me?  I haven't finished Harper's Island yet, but did finish The Paradise.  While I'm iffy about some of it (such as the continued existence of Tom Weston) I think they had a stronger grasp of what they wanted to do than they sometimes did in season 1, and was happy with the increased attention given to Denise and Clara as very loyal frenemies.  I'm disappointed that there hasn't (as far as I know) been any announcement about whether or not there'll be a third series, but at least the second series ended in a place where ywe can mostly be satisfied with where the characters are.

5.  I also rewatched all of the Joan Hickson Marples (and will rewatch the Geraldine McEwan ones after a suitable interval), and am rewatching Partners in Crime (the Tommy and Tuppence series) which I don't think I've actually rewatched all of before.  But a lot of my non-anime TV time has been taken up by this delightful 90s sitcom starring Judi Dench called As Time Goes By, which is about a couple who were separated when he went off to the Korean War, and are reunited when he uses her secretarial agency when he's writing his memoirs.  (Her adult daughter thinks this is THE MOST ROMANTIC THING EVER.)  It's very sweet and funny and also very sarcastic and self-deprecating.  The local library system just got the whole thing in a month or so ago, and I'm currently waiting for someone to relinquish season 6.

6.  I also haven't been reading a lot, both strangely and sadly.

7.  Trying to decide whether or not I want to embark on a rewatch of Poirot.  Which I kinda do, but that takes a while.

tv: harper's island, tv: partners in crime., tv: as time goes by, wiscon, tv: the paradise

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