
Dec 02, 2013 23:37

Haven 4.11: I appreciate the meta and comedic value of "Mythbusters Ghost Hunters comes to town" episodes as much as anyone else, but I'm not sure the end of the season with all the show's mysteries starting to reveal themselves is the right place for one. But i enjoyed the non-Mythbusters part, and am crossing my fingers for Jennifer.

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries 2.12: For the most part, I liked this more than i did the book it's based on (The one with the evil nuns. I forget what the title was, but I think it's the most recent, stateside at least.) but wasn't thrilled with the bad guy reveal.

-Rosie has now been punished for dumping Jack with an evil, slave trader fiance and a corrupt father. SIGH. Also not thrilled with how she's becoming more and more of the jealous ex.

-Aunt Prudence is back! But Jane is not. I thought the explanation for both being gone for most of the season was that Aunt Prudence was taking Jane on a tour through Europe? But it looks like Jane is back for the Christmas episode.

There is AN ENTIRE MONTH between this episode and the season finale. Though now they're calling the finale a Christmas Special.

Sleepy Hollow 1.9: So many flashbacks to The Woods and Rose Red in this episode.

-Abbie, your hatred for haunted houses makes me very sad. Though I enjoy your fry thief habits.

-Ichabod managed to rant about both fast food and Thanksgiving in the space of two minutes. good job, dude.

-Aww, awkward bonding with Jenny and Irving's daughter.

-Who is in a wheelchair. The mentions of her having dealt with "what happened" make me think that Irving blames himself?

-Abbie thinks being Jenny's guardian to get her out of the institution doesn't earn her enough points for Thanksgiving dinner. Jenny wants to make Abbie a Thanksgiving dinner to thank her. I WIBBLE. A LOT.

-Uhm...I kind of assumed a "Katrina was pregnant" reveal was coming? My current pet theory is that they pretended the baby was Frederick's and Lina is actually Ihabod's greatgreatgreatwhatever granddaughter. Mostly because I think the actress and Katia Winter look a bit alike.

-I am deeply confused as to Katrina's background/social status. In the "how we met" flashbacks, Katrina was a quaker, apparently of modest means. In the flashbacks since then, she appears to be a high society young lady. Not of the highest social standing, but high enough to be engaged to (presumably contracted by their fathers) someone of pretty high social standing.

-I am happy that the friendly guiding ghost was Abbie's ancestress.

Witches of East End 1.8-1.9: Another one with a break between the last two episodes, though this one is only skipping a week.

-OMG Penelope's 100% honest toast about her gleeful quest for vengeance! I kind of really love her.

-Sigh. I thought maybe Dash would stay away until the last episode, but he wasn't even gone a full episode. And then Killian didn't go away either.

-I am not sure at all what I think about Joanna suddenly having a son (I have half a pet theory that Mike is Frederick or descended from Frederick, because Frederick somehow found a way over, or Ingrid found a way to go back and get him in one of her previous lives) and the father suddenly reappearing.

-Also, ugh, no, Victor, you don't get to be all "thank you for taking care of our girls!" when you were literally dragged back after apparently abandoning Joanna to birth them, raise them, and watch them die over and over again because the pain was just too much for you, or whatever.

-And I wonder who Wendy and Joanna's father is.  Given both Wendy and Joanna's behavioral tendencies (they're both tricksters in different ways, though Wendy is fairly honest about it and Joanna tries to hide it) and the current cultural awareness of Asgard, I'm betting on Loki (assuming it's someone from Norse mythology), but we'll see.

-But, oh, the Wendy/Joanna fight when Wendy was possessed by the snake thingie. It was pretty awful, but I like thinking about all the things they've been through together and how much being separated for a century must have hurt.

-I'm not sure how I feel about Freya losing her powers, but I'm glad it's given her a little more to do besides be trapped in a love triangle.

-Enver Gjojak, you were supposed to be the guy on the shows that I actually like. What is this obsessiveness thingie here?

-I so love Joanna's reactions when people call her on her lies. She's so "I thought it was for the best AND WE HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS GOING ON NOW." Which would normally come across as self-righteous, but doesn't to me with her.

-So very not happy about Amy dying. Come on, show, enough with the killing off of POC. At this point, I fully expect Barb to die in childbirth. (Though, really ,despite my annoyance with Dash and Killian and how that swamps Freya's narrative the treatment of POC is really my only big issue with the show, and the rest is love and adoration.)

tv: witches of east end, tv: sleepy hollow, tv: haven, tv: miss fisher's murder mysteries

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