Continuum 2.9-2.13

Oct 04, 2013 21:00

-Welp, I was wondering when they'd do the "Would you kill Hitler if you could?" bit. Still annoyed with Carlos for stopping Kiera from killing Julian. (But Carlos, so much annoying manpain and smug selfrighteousness could have been prevented!)

-REALLY not comfortable with the show ACTUALLY linking Julian/Theseus to Hitler, though, especially given that Liber8, despite Julian, is still largely represented by minorities.

-But, despite early misgivings, I am, in the end, glad that they had Betty be a Liber8 sympathizer, because they did it while still keeping her a protagonist and used it to final have someone not evil point out that Liber8 might have a point. (Having a REALLY hard time buying Carlos going along with going to Julian at the end, though, even under the circumstances.)

-I am so NOT interested in half the men in the show now being related to Alec in one way or another. Or, uhm, any of the men involved in that. (Well, Jason I sympathize with, at least. Alec I realize I should sympathize with, but he keeps doing douchey and/or entitled things. And now there's fridging in his plot.)

-My OTP got back together. And then Kiera kicked him down an elevator shaft. It was a sad day. Except for the part where we finally got a real Serious Business fight.

-Poor glasses-dude in Liber8 whose name I never managed to remember. Maybe you'll get better?Also, poor Garza, who everyone seemed to forget about after you were grabbed until you got an offhand mention and travs suddenly remembered you.

-Though, it looks like she, Kiera and Sonya are all being held together now. THEY SHALL TEAM UP AND ESCAPE. And burn those nightgowns.

-At this point, I'm half-convinced that Kiera's son is going to show up all grown up next season.

-I can no longer keep track of who Kellogg is loyal to at any point in time. (And rather miss the dynamic he and Kiera had in season 1 and the beginning of this season. Judging by her twitter, Rachel Nichols misses it to.)

-When Carlos freed Kiera in the finale, I didn't know whether to yell at my screen because they were shaking hands instead of hugging, or be glad they weren't suddenly making out after 2 seasons of being platonic.

-WTF was the last 5 minutes? NO REALLY, WHAT WAS THAT? (I mean, aside from the nod to that scene at the beginning of the season.)

tv: continuum

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