Wednesday Reading Meme

Aug 14, 2013 21:00

What are you currently reading
Legend of the White-Haired Demoness by Liang Yusheng, ch 12-13: After a couple chapters of not much happening, it went back to so much happening in a chapter that it'd probably take 10 episodes of a TV series to cover just that.

-I am very fond of Liang Yu Sheng's tendency to describe Lian Ni Shang as "sweet" and "charming" and having a "tinkling laugh" as she's literally lopping people's bodyparts off.
-Yue Ming Ke/Tie Shan Hu looks like it's switching from cute adventures to angstfest, I suspect with sad results.
-But Lian Ni Shang and her temper attempting to play matchmaker might be the best thing ever.
-The new "scarier than anyone else, better than all our other antagonists yet" villain is, of course, a 60-year-old-woman.

7 Seeds Vol 2 by Yumi Tamara. Plot is taking off, will give the series its own post once I've read more of it.

I note that the Shuri-lookalike now has a Sarasa-lookalike to obsess over. Presumably, they won't spend roughly a dozen episodes declaring they shall destroy their enemy and make the world a better place for their One True Love, not realizing that said One True Love is their enemy's secret ID.

What did you recently finish reading?

Susan Elia MacNeal's His Majesty's Hope which I posted on separately.

Saga Vol 1-2 (or issues 1-12) by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples. SciFi epic in which a soldier falls in love with a prisoner whose race has been at war with hers for centuries (a war that has since pretty much taken over the universe) and they runaway together, only to have both their races put out contracts on them when it's learned they have a child. Which sounds like a fairly standard plotline, and I suppose it is, but it doesn't feel like it while reading. The story is told from the POV of their daughter, Hazel, and begins with her birth, and there are some interesting gender-reversals not only with her parents, but with supporting characters as well, and the "forbidden lovers," Alanna and Marco, are charming and adorable and functional even with literally the entire galazy hunting them. The worldbuilding (err, universebuilding, I guess) is also very complex and thought out, and while I could have done without one particular character design (if you've read it, you know exactly which one I'm referring to) most character designs are interesting and inventive. (I'm especially fond of the royals who have television monitors for heads. BECAUSE THESE ARE FORMALLY DRESSED ROYALS WHO HAVE TELEVISION MONITORS FOR HEADS.) Also, a romance novel is a revolutionary, life changing treatise. bless you, BKV. My only complaint so far is a scene in which a female character uses a sexual slur to insult another woman, and that a lot of the language and nudity feels to me like it falls into the category of being there to be "edgy."

What do you think you'll read next?

More 7 Seeds, Autobiography of A Geisha by Sayo Masuda.

comics: saga, manga, a: fiona staples, shoujo, a: brian k vaughan, manga: 7 seeds, comics, wuxia: legend of the white-haired demone, wuxia, a: liang yusheng

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