Weekly Wednesday Reading Meme

Apr 24, 2013 17:29

What are you currently reading

No Humans Involved by Kelley Armstrong. A "Women of the Otherworld" book focusing of Jaime, the fake celebrity spiritualist and real-life (in the books) necromancer, as she and other fake spiritualists get together to film a TV special in a haunted house that may has acctually been the site of grisly stuff in the past. I'm enjoying it a lot so far.

What did you recently finish reading?
Did not finish:

The Landlord's Black-eyed Daughter by Mary Ellen Dennis. THIS MAKES ME SAD. VERY VERY SAD. It wasn't even bad, really, just so terribly terribly modern in sensibilities. There was the fairly standard "I want you to think I'm being as historically accurate as possible, but will have my heroine be utterly atypical and hot by modern standards of beauty," but also when people were discussing her books and the characters (and the hero and heroine were thinking about the characters), it felt like modern people looking at an 18th century text.

Did finish:

Forbidden by Kelley Armstrong. A werewolf book that I actually liked and have no major complaints about. (And a male werewolf in the series besides Jeremy who I like, though I initially though it was going to be about said werewolf, and not Elena, and considered not reading it because I'm like that.) It's a "Stranded in a small town where weird things are going on" plot, but a pretty decent one.

The Governess Affair by Courtney Milan. Prequel novella to Milan's current series, the heroine is a disgraced governess seeking either justice or revenge against (she's not overly picky about which it is) a nobleman who raped and impregnated her. Hero is said lord's fix-it man whose job it is to get rid of her. The plot has a lot of potential and I liked the heroine, but...well, the hero went to work fixing the problems of a man he knew going in was a reprehensible human being with his eyes wide open, yet somehow spends a lot of the story having deluded himself into not coming to the obvious conclusion because his boss denied the rape possibility. He gets better towards the end once the truth is out, but he made it a bit meh. The only other of Milan's books that I've read is Unveiled, which I did enjoy a lot, despite also having issues with the hero early on. (Though not nearly like this one.)

What do you think you'll read next?

Library books, which are mostly the Armstrong books I haven't read yet and romance novels, and hopefully some manga.

genre: romance, a: courtney milan, books, a: kelley armstrong, genre: sff

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