And sundry

Jan 07, 2013 18:10

1. Based on both pro and con comments (and reading some bits by the writers), I've decided that I'd probably find The Lizzie Bennet Diaries funny, but also very annoying, and that I'd have a difficult time liking Lizzie herself. Which makes me sad, because I was looking forward to binging on it.
2. I'll probably forget to post on it any other way, but I've been watching the 90s Cadfael series with Derek Jacobi as a monk and former crusader, set during The Anarchy, and am really enjoying them. I'm pretty sure I have most of the books in the series, but I haven't read any of them yet.
3. Somewhat related, but there appears to be a tiny mystery subgenre about crime solving medieval nuns. I found series by Antonia Frasier, Cassandra Clark and Alys Clare at the library, and i'm pretty sure there's a fourth series, too. I read some of the first Cassandra Clark book and was really enjoying it. It's set during The War of the Roses and the heroine is a widow who became a nun because she found it preferable to other options and thought it would allow her to do good things with her money (this and World Without End are the only canons I've encountered that treat that kind of motivation as something common) but suddenly there was this random, very long attempted gang rape scene that read like the writer or her editor decided needed to be there, as opposed to actualy...having anything to do with the plot. I've read a little past that but have been pretty much stuck there since saturday.
4. After SWATH, I seem to have returned to that state where every highly anticipated movie for others makes me go "...I might watch it on DVD? Maybe?"
5. Today a coworker said Donnie Yen was hot "for an Asian guy." There was twitchiness (and correction about the need for a qualifier and maybe a list of movies that involved prety Korean and Chinese man flying through the air as their hair flutters in the wind.)
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