
Dec 02, 2012 00:10

Arrow 1.7: So Oliver can almost run fast enough to chase down a motorcycle? Uhm...no. Actually, that alone makes everything else look realistic. Also, this show is determined to get an actor from every genre show ever to show up.

Hi Huntress! It feels like I waited forever for you to show up! Not really big on the show making Helena a love interest for Oliver, though because (1) it increases the chances of her dying and (2) I'm not sure I trust them to not make her and Laurel rivals, and that is forbidden. They are supposed to be BFF.

Tommy was starting to endear himself to me the last couple episodes, but then he felt it was necessary to get Oliver's blessing after asking Laurel out or whatever, and MEH. (At least of the 3, he seems to be the only one who thinks it's any of Oliver's business if he and Laurel date?) Not surprised that the shady dude is his father.

I liked the Moira/Thea bits a lot, and am happy Walter came back. (And Oliver, were you actually a bit excited to see him there?)

Beauty and the Beast 1.7: Kind of bored by Vincent's angst (and sad at the return of the implication that Catherine has some responsibility for his behavior) but deeply amused by the fact that his shower apparently has random chains hanging in it. Vincent, why do you have chains in your shower? Or are they JT's? Still loving all things buddycops, and I enjoy this week's Dude In Distress bit.

Elementary 1.8: This week's mystery was prtty good, but I mostly enjoyed Holmes's excursions into Denial Land and Watson's exasperated expressions over it. Also, I have no idea if Alfredo is meant to be recurring, but I hope he is.

Haven 3.10: Don't know how I feel about this one. (Mostly on the Jordan front.)
So, how DO you learn that your Trouble is being a skinwalker, anyway? I mean, using that trouble requires actually removing your skin and skinning another person. it's not "oh, I drew a picture of that treee and tore it up, then the tree ripped in half too," or "people run away screaming about nightmares when they see me" or "people do whatever I say." It actually requires skinning both yourself and someone else.

I'm glad Jordan is free of the triangle and the general mess Nathan's been this season (look, I like Nathan, but that boy has been weird all season) but I don't like how they made her close to a bad guy in doing it. And..well, she's right, as far as she knows? The troubles do go away with Audrey, but I don't think they actually return with her, but rather, they are only gone for so long and she comes back after whatever had them locked away quits working. I'm guessing Lucy found a way to stop the troubles, either for good or without her leaving, but someone stopped her before she could. But I really hope we get into the origins of Haven that Jordan was hinting at before the end of the season, instead of saving all of that for next season.
I'm surprised they remembered Duke has a daughter. I figured they forgot that episode happened. I wonder if he'd be able to be around her once she was older. (Though I guess he can if the Troubles leave, at least for 25~ years.)

Bracing myself for Claire and/or Jordan to die or leave Haven, like every other not-Audrey female character.

Nikita 3.5:

I think I'm losing interest in "the dirty thirty" thing? But otherwise we're all good. I'm really glad Nikita, Michael and Birkoff know about the president's ultimatum now, though.

I liked alex's investigations and Alex and Owen working together, but I really hope they aren't going to pair them up or have a triangle with Sean, which a couple scenes made me wonder at. And, uhm, I thought Alex's tattoo was because of Nikita, but they seemed to be hinting at it being a connection to Alex? We'll see.

Once Upon A Time 2.8:

I cannot believe no one thought through the whole bit where physical bodies weren't actually in the fire room. (I mean, going in, I thought Rumples probably knew but wasn't saying anything, but I don't think so having finished the episode.) Also, I find it interesting that the floor of the room appears to be glass tiles. Given that Charming broke through one floor to get there, maybe he'll do it again and end up somewhere else.

Hook, you only had my limited goodwill due to your desire to kill Rumples. You have lost that with taking Aurora's heart. (Which I guess Cora taught him how to do? I actually wonder if she has his heart. Probably not.) Poor Aurora gets no breaks.

Cora has such a fabulous Vegas Diva wardrobe, though it doesn't quite match Regina's FTL Drag Queen duds. (It surprises me how incredibly different Regina's FTL and Storybrook wardrobes are. Storybrook is 100% class, but FTL is so gloriously OTT.) Hopefully we find out what happenedbetween Regina, Rumples and Cora next week.

I continue to love how they're handling Regina this season, and Rumples has gone 2 episodes without aggravating me, which is nice.

Who else actually expected Mulan to kiss or confess her love to Aurora this week? I kept think she was about to, despite knowing better. (Not thrilled with the threat of Philip's return. Nothing wrong with him, but I don't want him to mess with Aurora and Mulan's developing relationship, and they'll probably start being rivals again if he comes back.) I can't blame her for taking the compass. We know Snow and Emma won't abandon Aurora, but she barely knows them, but does know that they're desperate to get back.

Emma has been my favorite character since the pilot, and I doubt anything will change that, but she really wasn't at her best this episode with the "everything is Regina's fault" bit. (Though I can understand it: it's not logical or reasonable, she just needs someone to focus her anger on and Regina is easy not only because there's so much that she HAS done, and it gives her extra focus for getting back, not just wanting to get to Henry, but also anger at Regina.)

Person of Interest 2.8: This episode was fabulous for Carter's expressions. And I can't help but think it was originally scripted to be a Valentine's episode.

That couple! So ridiculous! So disfunctional! So great!

Reese needs to kidnap people on the street more often with Carter being all "WTF ARE YOU DOING?" in the background.

Finch and Grace are adorable, as are Fusco and his date. Carter's new dude is certainly nice to look at. (I remember his being cast, but had forgotten.) Reese might have felt left out there.

Weird that there was no followup at all from the last episode.

Revolution 1.10: QAnd now we have a 4 month hiatus.

Miles/Monroe stuff was pretty predictable. Charlie/Rachel reunion went off exactly like I hoped (ok, I wanted more hugging, but...) and Charlie and Danny finally got some alone time.

I am SO CURIOUS about Rachel and Miles's backstory now. I always have been, but moreso now. Finding out about Rachel seems to have been the final push to make Miles become 100% anti-Monroe and kill any conflict there. A bit confused, though, at Miles thinking she was dead and Monroe asking why he left without her. I'm going to guess he wasn't able to get to Rachel when he went rogue, and then was going to go back to get her but heard she died, or something like that. (Because the fact that Miles apparently got Rachel into this mess and then left her there has bugged me for weeks.) I hope we aren't going in the direction of "brother has hots for brother's wife," especially given (A) that Miles seemed to have a bit of a thing developing for Maggie and (B) Monroe apparently has a thing for Rachel too. (That said, I'm actually genuinely surprised that there wasn't a hint of one of them being Charlie's biological father in this episode. Though, the fact that there was absolutely no mention of Charlie in the flashback where Rachel was pregnant with Danny makes me wonder if she was adopted.)

I will now fill in headcanon where Nora taught Charlie the basics of using a rifle when they still had that sniper rifle, just in case.

Glad Julia made it out alive. (She's perfectly positioned for them to fridge her and send Neville completely off the deep end, so I'm surprised every time.) I found it strange that there was no mention at all of Jason in this episode.

That was an...interesting cliffhanger. The kind that almost feels like the scene just got cut off in the middle.

The Paradise Series 1: Based on a book by Emile Zola and altered to be British, The Paradise is set in a Victorian department store (though the series sometimes has more of an Edwardian feel) of the same name, focusing on a shopgirl, Denise, and her employer, Moray. For a large chunk of the series, the focus is divided between Denise and the other women who work in Lady's Wear and Denise learning about business (in the first episode, she tells one of her roommates, Pauline, that contrary to Pauline's beliefs, she doesn't have a crush on Moray, but rather, that dhe wants to become her own version of him. True at the time, and I wish they'd stuck with that as the driving force of her arc so that I could have daydreams of her leaving and starting her own successful business and poaching the other women in Lady's Wear when she did.) and Moray's plan for expansion and ambitions, as well as his courtship of Katherine (probably the most complex and interesting character in the series), an aristocrat with an influential (and rich) father whose support Moray is after. I'm not a big fan of Moray and the latter episodes are (IMO) bogged down by a romance that doesn't feel necessary, but it was pretty good and should satisfy most peoples fashion and ,female interaction/relationships needs, and the setting is certainly different from other UK period dramas. A second series has been commissioned and I'm looking forward to it, though I imagine it will be very different in a number of ways.

tv: haven, tv: nikita, tv: the paradise, tv: person of interest, tv: elementary, tv: once upon a time, tv: arrow, tv: beauty and the beast, tv: revolution

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