
May 23, 2012 20:32

Avatar: The Legend of Korra 1.6-1.7: Pretty good episodes. Pretty sure I'm in the minority regarding Tahno (don't care for him) but I lie the overall plot more and moreand how Amon is legitimately creepy and scary. Love all the flashbacks to the characters from the first series as adults, and hope we get more of those.

I suspect I'm also in the minority at not being pleased that Lin and Tenzin used to date.  I know that's what everyone thought when Pema introduced that plotpoint, but I don't care much for it.  I do like them working together now, though, and hope we get a lot more of Lin and Korra working together.  (Also, Tenzen, while I realize a lot of it is guilt talking, I'm pretty sure the reason Lin took a dislike to Korra was because Korra's brash and impulsive and prone to rushing headlong into things, not because you dumped her 15 years ago.)

I...am actually kind of disappointed that Asami is completely anti-equalist?  We need someone who agrees with the core sentiment of the Equalists (that benders have too much social and political power) while disapproving of their methods.

So, Tenzen and Pema now have 3 airbending kids (don't worry Asami, it's hard to stay sad with Jinora and Ikki around) with a fourth on the way, along with 4 teenagers-3 of whom are benders and one of whom is about to go through a major lifestyle change-living with them, on top of all Tenzen's responsibilities?  Katara needs to come and help out.

The Borgias 2.5-2.7: Can we just have Lucrezia, Giulia and Vannozza running around, manipulating the cardinals and doing good deeds with a side of wrapping everyone ever arond their fingers? Because aside from every episode needing lots of Caterina Sforza (though not at the expense of Giulia, thankyouverymuch) that's all that's going on that really interests me right now, though I still largely enjoy all the rest. Also, while Cesare is still a homicidal sociopath, I find it interesting that his less appealing traits and less appealing/successful ventures (both known and believed) are being transferred to Juan. TBH, while the first season deviated from history a fair bit, it still seemed to be trying to stay somewhat true to it, but this season is being a lot more liberal in that regard.

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries 1.12-1.13: Not sure if this is the end of the season or the end of the series. I believe this is actually my first Australian TV series, so I'm not sure how these things go there. I was worried for a bit that episode 12 was going to go an unfortunate ableist route (it didn't, in the end) and I'm not sure what I think of Foyle's motivation, but I thought this was a pretty good ending to a very enjoyable series in which I pretty much adore the lead and her posse of friends, family and associates (including her 2 henchmen whose names I can never remember). I particularly like how well it manages to balance being adorable and fluffy while handling (and being) legitimately dark and angsty in it's subject matter. If there is more (*crosses fingers*) I hope Jack learns not to leave Hugh unsupervised if there's a chance Phryne might show up, because that boy has no defenses whatsoever when it comes to her devious schemes.

Missing 1.9-1.10: Played out about as expected. On the surface, it has the needed emotional payoff, but you see all the things that weren't addressed or start falling apart once you scratch it. Honestly, though, while this wasn't necessarily good, I enjoyed it a lot and am sad it wasn't be renewed, though I understand they're trying to sell it to another network. I hope they succeed, being I like having Ashley Judd being bossy and unrealistically badass on my screen.

Nikita 2.22-2.23: Much better ending than the first season (the last quarter of season 1 and roughly the first half of this season, I was mostly watching for Maggie Q shooting things and Amanda being evil, but it went back to being the show I wanted it to be in the second half.) I'm sure people will complain about the ending being predictable, but whatever. Looking forward to season 3.

Congrats, Sonya.  You're the first black woman to appear in more than one episode and not get shot by a white dude by the end of the season.  I hope they don't just make her Birkoff's girlfriend next season.  Division agents seem to defer to her and look to her for leadership more than they did to Birkoff when he had the same job (she seems to be a bit more along the lines of Michael in that way) and I hope they explore that.

Once Upon A Time 1.22-1.23: The finale was a bit rushed (should have been longer), but I liked these episodes. I have no idea what they're going to do next season.

I still don't buy Belle/Rumples at all, but her "why aren't we making out?" face when he hugged her was great.  Also, Jefferson, did you know she was locked up down there THE WHOLE TIME?  Shame on you.

I was hoping next season would cover the time between the wedding and Emma's birth as people prepared themselves, but I guess not.  Maybe season 3?

Sleeping Beauty is my favorite of the 3 older "Disney Princess" movies, so I loved all the dragon stuff.

Henry takes after his grandfather a little too much in some ways.

Very disappointed Kathryn/Abigail and Frederick weren't around.  (I wanted them to be part of the rescue party so much!)

Person of Interest 1.22-1.23: I was so happy seeing Amy Acker playing a character who wasn't an awkward yet lovable child-woman that I forgot to wonder where it was all leading. I suspect the development in the finale that I liked most wasn't what others liked most.

Fusco and Carter know they're both working for Reese!  Yay!  I hope they bond over finding him annoying and presumptuous and bossy.  And bond.  I want them to bond.

And I want more Zoe Morgan.  Lots more.  In scenes with Carter.

Kind of surprised we didn't check in on Snow and Stanton in these episodes.

It'll be interesting how long Finch stays tied up in Amy Acker's basement (or wherever).  (Also, I'm laughing forever and how they ALWAYS fall for protecting the bad guy thinking he's the good guy.)

Revenge 1.20-1.21: I kind of desperately want the season to end with Victoria calling Emanda "Amanda," but that probably won't happen. So excited for the finale!

I kind of think the all flashbacks episode should have been spread out over the last 3 episodes, because as it is, we had the flashback episode and it was like "But what about everything else?"  (And there should have been followup on the very last scene) and then the next episode it was like everything ever happened.

So happy that the show finally brought up the fact that David leaving Emanda the box and saying to put it all behind her is rather contradictory.  And Charlotte is becoming more and more like her.

I giggled inappropriately at all the "Sammy is lost/dying!" stuff.  Sorry show.  Also, we all know that Emily and Amanda are each other's true loves and Jack is just their proxy.  I mean, how else can I read some of those scenes?

Honestly, I DOUBT they'll kill Nolan, but with Emanda 2.0 off somewhere, if they want to turn Emanda back into the cold loner she was at the beginning, that's the way to do it.  Jack or Charlotte would afect her a lot, but she and Charlotte are only just starting to bond and Jack doesn't know the "real" her and is still more of a nostalgia/lost childhood bond.

I think they're introducing a conspiracy behind Conrad because no one will take Daniel seriously as a Big Bad.  Now, is Ashley was running the company?  Then I might worry.

tv: nikita, tv: missing, tv: miss fisher's murder mysteries, tv: person of interest, tv: revenge, tv: once upon a time, tv: borgias, tv: avatar: legend of korra

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