
Apr 13, 2012 19:04

The Borgias 2.1: I don't know about this episode at all.

Wow Rodrigo, you were kinda...extra creepy in almost all your scenes, weren't you. Well, maybe not with your grandson.

I REALLY hope we aren't headed towards Giulia being jealous of Rodrigo's affairs. Both of their scenes with Vittorio were just creepy. I mean, I get why she needs to stay in Rodrigo's good graces-being his mistress wasn't exactly optional and unlike Vannozza, she doesn't have the benefit of being the mother of any of his children to keep her safe if he gets tired of her- but the lack of female rivalry and jealousy was one of the big appeals of the first season.

Meanwhile, Cesare's new hair is awful. But Michelotto's is an improvement. I'm amused at how the writers are no longer even pretending to pretend that Cesare isn't in love with Lucrezia. I mean, she basically even called him on it and that it wasn't going to happen. (TBH, this is really the reading I've always kind of had of them historically, too? That he probably was in love-definitely obsessed-but she wasn't into him that way.)

I dunno. Aside from the scene with Giulia and Vannozza and Lucrezia's scenes, and maybe the Cesare/Juan bits this kind of...didn't work for me. I hope I like the next episode more.

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries 1.8: Phryne's "Hello, Jack" is becoming one of my favorite sounds ever. It's just so mischevious and devious. (At this point, they're basically courting vicariously through their sidekicks.)

So, Dot and Hugh have been going out for 6 months now? I think that means at least 8-9 months have probably passed since the start of the series.

I really liked both parts of this episode! I wasn't really sure about Lin's return, but I liked what they did with that plot (and YAY! for women who like the same guy being friends and supporting each other) and hope we see Camelia again.

I think this episode played more deliberately with feminist themes than other episodes have, but that's certainly not a complaint.

BTW, as much as I love Phryne cheerfully having sex with whatever gent strikes her fancy while still flirting with Jack, I kind of...wonder what they'll do with Jack's wife? I don't know how that's set up in the books, but in the show it seems pretty obvious that they created her to keep Phryne/Jack from happening as he'd see it as cheating even though he apparently hasn't seen her in years. I'm hoping that, if they ever deal with that, it's by having her ask Jack for a divorce, and not her dying and/or being evil.

Missing 1.5:

I think I may be a teeny bit disappointed that the bit in the preview with Paul (possibly) shooting Becca was both a dream and the opening scene.

That was a lot of adultery introduced there! Well, Becca's affair was handled pretty well and interestingly in the fallout, I think, unless we learn that Paul really is evil and went completely rogue and fake his death in front of his son because his wife had an affair. I...am hoping that Violet's comment about Dex's family was referring to a divorce, and not to another affair? Really hoping.

But really, they're laying "Paul is evil!" on so hard that I'm going to be REALLY disappointed if he actually is, and not just for Becca and Michael's sake.

This episode seemed to shoot "Oksana is connected to Paul" down pretty hard? But I'm still banking on that. But gosh, the Oksana/Michael vibe just feels so...closet-pseudo-incesty? I'm glad he ent back, even if it may not have been the smartest thing to do. 9Though, really, I wonder how far he would have gotten?)

"Becca pwns everyone!" really needs to stay a recurring theme. And Italian dude whose name I can't remember, I think I'm starting to root for you. You are just so very devoted!

I giggle a lot at how this show is so devoted to "Becca will die in 2 seconds!" endings.

Ringer 1.21:

Yes, show, evil lesbians is JUST what you needed. No, really. SIGH. (Or rather, one bisexual/lesbian/really-good-at-faking-it-because-this-show-would possibly manipulating a mentally unbalanced woman with previously unrealized bisexual tendencies. SIGH.)

OTOH, Siobahn went into labor while locked in a hooker's closet. Which was hilariously ridiculous until Oksana ODed, and then I was sad because I wanted them to be frenemies. (Twin girls! So many twins in this series! I think this makes our 3rd known set.)

And the flashbacks of Siobahn and Catherine (and Siobahn's description of Catherine) pretty much confirm the impression I've always had or her POV of Juliet and Catherine( well, mostly Juliet) which is that she associates the way they act (more past tense in Juliet's case) with Bridget and can't separate anything from that visceral reaction.

And as much as what they did with Catherine annoyed me, I have to say that Andrea Roth was great when she was preparing to be surprised at Siobahn's "suicide. (Well, she was great in general, but particularly amusing there.)

I'm thinking Bridget is going to at least try to confess to Andrew next week? No idea how it'll go. I hope we find out what happened to Malcolm.

Titanic (2012): Currently airing UK miniseries. Three episodes are out and the last will air this Sunday. The story is somewhat nonlinear: the first 30-ish minutes of each episode is pre-iceburg and the last 3rd is people trying to get themselves/their families off the ship, and each episode adds scenes to the time period already covered, or expands previous scenes. The expanded scenes probably work better when watched a week apart, instead of all three episodes within 24 hours. It's entertaining and good, but there are too many characters and plotlines for any to really get the development they could have, and I think Fellowes is relying a bit much on "IT"S THE TITANIC!!" to carry things and tie them together at times. I'm hoping the last episode devotes itself to the actual sinking/survival and doesn't revisit the covered timeline as much. Character and acting-wise, Geraldine Somerville seriously steals every scene she goes near. She's just so amazingly snobbish and catty. Maybe she wants to grow up to be Maggie Smith? (I was also wondering why I found it odd that her character was named Louisa until I realized that she was also named Louisa in Gosford Park, which I believe is also written by Fellowes. Though i largely associate her with playing Daphne de Maurier.) Perdita Weeks is also all grown up now, and no longer looks like a carbon copy of her sister. I mean, they still looks alike, but she used to look exactly like a miniature version of Honeysuckle Weeks.

tv: ringer, tv: titanic, tv: missing, tv: miss fisher's murder mysteries, tv: the borgias

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