
Mar 03, 2012 15:37

Lost Girl 2.17: 

KENZI WAS TRAINING BO FOR ANTI-GARUDA COMBAT!!! SERIOUSLY GUYS!!!  Also, it looks like they've been getting some weapons training in for Kenzi?  If so, I approve.

And Kenzi as Hale's fake!girlfriend was kind of fabulous (including the list of times he's bailed her out-though I'm sure she could whip her own list out and especially the fact that she's made him watch The Mighty Ducks nine times) even though it was really poorfly done of him.  I'm not sure he actually realized it would be that awful though.  Urm...her boyfriend's kind of has a valid point about the lying, but I feel he's coming from the "It's just wrong for women not to tell men everything!" place and he still just feels like a convenient wedge or some such.

Dyson this episode was proof that if nothing else, Kiara should come out because he's much more likable when she's around.  I mean, she should come back because I like her and she deserves to have a role outside of nothing but "Dyson's girlfriend" but that's the most immediate concern.  And she should not die when she comes back.  Speaking of girlfriends, Nadia better not be evil.  I can handle possessed (which is what the last scene would lead me to assume) as long as she doesn't end up in a coma again or dead, but no evil Nadia, please.

I think actual plot stuff also happened, but the first 2 minutes had the very best part.

Once Upon A Time 1.13: Well, that was more fun than I've had with this show since ep 6.

Abigail!  Kathryn!  No "evil all along!" reveal like the annoying genie ep.  And no Emma and Regina's growth and development being kicked to the curb to make Rumples ever so sympathetic and fascinating.  I won't kick things when Rumlpes comes back or anything, but I certainly didn't miss him in this one.

David was certainly a douche, but I think a lot of that is the curse?  He wasn't really douchey until he got his memories back, and at least he's being called on it.  While I'm still into Snow/Charming, I'm not really into Mary Margaret/David.  Like, at all.

BUT! ABIGAIL!  And Abigail being all "Don't worry James I DON'T WANT TO MARRY YOU EITHER!!  Can I like, borrow your sword for a bit?  You won't mind risking your life to help me break a curse, right?"  And I LOLed so much at the "True Love's Kiss" line.  Oh fake!James...it's a good thing both the women in your life are a bit more grounded than you.  But man, was anyone else worried that Frederick was going to turn into gold again when Abigail kissed him?  I'm guessing Regina put Katheyn in the mental ward that Belle is in?  MAYBE THEY CAN BREAK OUT TOGETHER!!!!!  (Regardless, real world!Frederick!  Go find her!  Also, you bear a startling resemblance to a younger Marc Blucas.)

August is kinda annoying.  Especially that supposedly "cute" scene where Emma sin't interested in a going at with him and he won't take no for an answer.  Those scenes are one of the best ways do decrease my likelihood of getting into a pairing by about 90%.

I CANNOT WAIT FOR MORE RUBY/RED!!!!  Seriously, she is my favorite after Emma.   I cannot wait for both versions of her to have more adventures with the Snow White Clan.

Pan Am 1.13-1.14: You know while episode 13 cleared up some things, I think I get why it didn't originally air in the middle of the season. I like to think that someone high up there got a look at the resolution of the Ginny plot and went "no, we are not doing that."(Though, just dropping it all together isn't exactly an improvement.)  I am glad we got a bit more of Lanzo though.

On to the actual season finale.

I actually think episode 12 worked better as a season finale because it left things a bit more complete?  Hopefully airing this episode after all means we'll get a season 2.

I guess I'm curious to see where the "long lost brother" plot goes?  As much as I like Collette and am usually into long lost families finding each other, I feel a bit meh about this plot development, even though I've complained several times that the show doesn't seem to know what to do with a plot for her outside of her relationship with Dean?  I DON'T KNOW GUYS.

I knew we were headed for Shocking Drama when Ted and Laura got together halfway through the episode.  I just hope that season 2, if we get one doesn't reveal that Amanda was lying.  I'm not sure I'll forgive the writers if that happens.  I'm not sure about how this plot is going?  I completely get Amanda:  she's been raised her whole life to believe that only one choice and path is acceptable, and she thinks Ted is her only option to do that but still have an opening to do things on the side that actually make her happy and comfortable.  (And I think that when she initially proposed the open marriage, she honestly thought it was something he'd go for.) Also, lets face it, we live in a homophobic world that still thinks only certain types of people can be gay, and we've progressed a lot since the 60s.  In 1963, that was some thing that deviants and bohemians were, not the pampered daughters of elite businessmen who hobnob with politicians.  (Ok, that hasn't changed much either in some circles.)

Oh, Anderson, just when I was starting to like you you ended up being a douche.  Oh well, better you than Richard.  I'm actually a bit attached to Richard. And maybe 90% platonic Kate/Richard.  Who wants to bet that Langley training in this show takes about 6 months.  You know, like grounding and official royal courtships.  (And maybe becoming a super smuggler?  I ended up weirdly fond of the smuggler captain on the last episode.)

Revenge 1.16:

Another episode in which Emanda (and Victoria) is largely reactive, as opposed to the driving force of the episode.  I hope this is not a trend that continues.


Ashley in particular was in fine form this epiosde, despite a deeply questionable alteration to her hair.  I love how she's shamelessly using the Graysons to climb to the top.  (Though I like to think  that she wouldn't be quite so accepting of  a potential/probable killer getting off if the victim wasn't Tyler.)  I still not-so-secretly hope that she's Team Emanda's ultimate sleeper agent.

Takeda better not have done anything to Emanda 2.0!  I'm actually kind of hoping that his increasing prominence is going to lead to a "student surpasses teacher" thing where Emanda demolishes him for messing around with her people.  I am glad that Emanda knows what he did and isn't telling Nolan, because Nolan's had a few too many things up his sleeve and while I like him, I'm not interested in watching The Nolan Show at all.

More Secret Sisters Bonding please!  (Why do I think that if Charlotte did find Emanda 2.0 and spring things on her, Emanda 2.0 would forget she wasn't really Amanda Clarke and get into that?)

Declan was...surprisingly useful this episode, even if he was primarily telling people to knock it off with being self destructive..

Now!  Please get back to being about Emanda and Victoria playing cat and mouse and pwning everything in sight and taking down anything that doesn't cooperate, because that's what I watch for, not their reacting to men doing things and trying to play damage control with it.  (I am glad Victoria has switched to "keep your enemies close" as far as tactics go, though.)

Ringer 1.14-1.15:

Bridget and Siobahn's backstory!  Urm, I was hoping it'd be a bit less predictable and have more loopy Drama to it, but I'm glad we got it.  Also, Bridget apparently has A Type because when Misha Collins showed up...well, I pay little enough attention to Henry that the actors having a similar look to them threw me off for a minute.

I'm glad to have Malcolm back, but now Machado is gone?  Along with Bridget's new driver.  I find it sadly predictable that the men on the show who I actually like are the ones the show isn't very interested in.  Also, I feel somewhat vindicated by Andrew being a crook?  Except that I had been considering liking him again lately.

Still not happy with the rape plot, especially with Juliet's mom being The Villain behind everything.  I do feel for Juliet, though.  I get the impression that opportunities for screwing over Andrew is the only time Catherine ever actually pays attention to her, and that she's pretty much scared of Catherine.

I admit, I still can't convince myself that Bridget really loves Andrew.  I guess partly because we and she know that he would never have anything to do with her if he knew who she was?  I mean, if he'd know about her, I half think he would have tried to forbid Siobahn from seeing Bridget if she'd wanted to?  (Mind you, I don't think he would be very successful at it.)  I dunno.  I just always get an uneasy feeling about him.

White Collar 3.15-3.16:

Baseball bores me.  Peter's fanboy faces do not.  Neither do Mozzie's for that matter.  Which is all I can really say about 3.15's main plot.

I kind of suspected Neal would run (or try to) when he and Sara actually sat down and talked.  First rule of fiction: if you start to reconnect with your ex at the same time as life-changing things are going on, life as you know it is about to end.  Or life itself, if you live in a grimmer canon and aren't the main character in a popular show where there are no magic/supernatural things around to make you all better.  Also, Peter's shipping of Sara/Neal is rather hilarious. He's like a fangirl who is convinced the Bad Boy will be redeemed by the power of the Good Girl's love.

Though, while I do like Sara/Neal myself, I remain very annoyed that they can't seem to think of anything for her to do outside of being Neal's love interest.  (I also can't help but wonder if part of the reason we haven't had Alex around is that they feel less need to have her around with a regular love interest in the picture?  If so, SIGH.)

Jones securing permission to arrest Mozzie to help him preserve street cred was priceless.  I'm very sad he didn't get to do it.  I'm also glad he said he didn't think Neal just have his sentence commuted because, well, he's pretty much right.  (Also, I think that Neal may have fully believed that he would stay with the FBI when he told Peter he would, but I'm not convinced he would have been able to resist temptation as well as he thinks he would have.)

Elizabeth's consolation cake was much cuter than than her congratulatory cake!  And i'm pretty sure Neal sometimes forgets that he's not actually married to Peter and Elizabeth.  Or their kid.  Or some odd combination of the two.

Anyway, my main concern with the ending is that I'm not sure how the show will manage to  get back to anything like the dynamic of the first 3 seasons.  Season 3 shook it up a lot, yes, but that was largely bringing issues that had been there the first 2 seasons to the fore, and this is a lot more drastic than that.

tv: pan am, tv: revenge, tv: ringer, tv: once upon a time, tv: white collar, tv: lost girl

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