Rarewomen Dear Author letter

Feb 15, 2012 20:00

First of all, I'm very sorry it took me so long to update this, and thank you so much for writing my fic!

This is my first fic exchange and so my first dear author letter, so I apologize for any faux pas or no-nos I may accidentally commit.

For fic, I largely look for character studies (either individual or of how two or more characters relate to her), meta, and deconstruction.  I'm fine with romance but usually get what romance I want out of the canon itself when I want it.  If you want to include romance, that's fine, though I tend to avoid explicit sex and prefer the "door closes/lights fade" approach.  While rape is a central aspect to almost every canon I chose, I'm actually not a fan of rape in fiction at all and would dislike the main focus being about rape, or rape being added for a character who was not actually raped in canon.

For the Individual canons:

Wonder Woman (Artemis): While I think Diana is one of the best comic characters ever, my favorite character of the franchise is actually Artemis.  I love her relationship with Diana and how they don't really like each other a lot of the time, but perfectly complement each other.  I'm greatly enjoy something along the lines of the Phil Jiminez era where they're having adventures and disagreeing about the right way to take down the bad guys.  I also always want more of her and Hippolyta, who I also love despite her often being a difficult character, and their addressing the fact that Hippolyta deliberately sent Artemis to die in Diana's place.  (Even if she did get better eventually, as comic book characters do.)  If you do write something along the lines of the latter, I would want it to be kept in mind that Hippolyta was trying to save her daughter and that, even if her actions were wrong, to her Artemis was still a representative of a tribe she still didn't quite trust and who had been her enemies only a few years ago, and only stopped being her enemies because they were forced to work together to survive.  I am actually very behind on my Wonder woman canon, and have only read through the early parts of Gail Simone's run.

Pillars of the Earth (Aliena):  Aliena and her arc were what interested me the most about this miniseries from the start, and that continued until the end.  While I did like Aliena/Jack, I feel I got as much of the pairing as was really needed in the series itself, though if that's what you like best, I wouldn't be opposed to something about how her helping Richard with Shiring after they get it back affects their relationship now that she's the one with her lifelong passion keeping her busy.  But I'm most interested in the 4 years where she went from being a newly-poor girl in near rags, despite her status, with a single bale to sell to being the most powerful female merchant in England.  I would especially like it if this included the development of her relationships with Martha and/or Ellen, as neither got expanded on a lot in the series, despite the three having positive relationships with each other all around.  (While Martha may have been jealous of Jack's affections for Aliena, I don't think she was actually jealous of Aliena herself.)  I also love her relationship with Richard and how, while he's the warrior out getting all the attention, she's the one ho's really driving their revenge plot, and how he seems to be ok with how she always takes the lead and has the stronger personality.  I don't know how big of a thing this is with fandom but I have seen it a few times, so I would like to add that I wouldn't want Aliena hating Phillip or blaming him for what happened to her and Richard.  While he was partly to blame, it was unintentonal on his part and he genuinely believed he was sennding them help, and never would have knowingly hurt them.  I like to think that Aliena realizes this, and I liked how they seemed to view each other as allies and business associates, and maybe friends.  I would prefer William not make an appearance if possible.

Arthurian Mythology (Ygraine):  Ygraine is a character that fascinates me, and I don't think she ever really gets justice done for her, as many canons seem to either be uncomfortable with how to deal with her, or dismiss her after she gives birth.  While I had many, many problems with the recent Camelot TV series, the character of Ygraine was almost perfect for me: she saw her marrying Uther as her only method of survival and she never regretted choosing to survive, even if she had to change who she was to be able to survive with him, and I liked seeing her return to who she truly was once she was with Arthur.  I strongly dislike the tendency in recent adaptations of the myth to make Morgan and Morguase not be her daughters, as I've always thought that hoping it would secure their safety was a factor in her marrying Uther.  What I would like most is something focusing on her relationship with her daughters, or with her bonding with Guenevere, and giving them her POV of her choices.  I also want her to be able to have her own POV of her child literally being stolen from her right after her birth, and how she deals with this, particularly as there would likely still be fear for her daughters.  I am not a fan of Uther (or Merlin, particularly, for that matter) and also dislike romanticizing theirrelationship.  I don't think it should be forgotten that he was literally so obsessed with her that he waged a war to possess her and had her husband killed while he was raping Ygraine using her husband's face, and don't like how that tends to get handwaved away at times.

I hope this gives you some ideas, but please don't feel limited if you don't see anything that exactly matches your fancy.


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