comics round up and other stuffs

Jun 28, 2006 14:36

Work:  Well, we finally bid on the new schedules and I got my 5 pm-1 am schedule, which is what I've been shooting for.  However, we were told that if we worked until 1, we got and extra $1 an hour...learned yesterday that such was not the case.  To get the $1 an hour, we had to take the 3 am schedule.  So...nonononono.  But...grrr...

Bills:  Last night, I found 2 bills behind the couch that I'd thought I'd paid.  Fortunately, they were only barely overdue, so no late know...

Backlog:  Clearing out my DVDs a bit has helped put the DVD backlog into a bit of a more realistic perspective.  not drastically so, but a bit.

I finished this week's comics fairly quickly, and since I'll be catsitting from this Saturday through next Sunday, I doubt I'll be making the usual post on sunday.  Anyway...

For some reason, there were a lot of books that just weren't as good as expected.  I don't know if it was my mood, or that the very best(which, as usual, were read first) were very, very good, or that a lot of books just hit a slight slump, but I ended up not quite as happy as usual with some.  Anyway...
52 Week #4-6:  Issue 4 was great, despite its lack of Black Adam but aside from the stuff with the space heroes, 5-6 were kinda flat.  This is where I noticed the "good, but not enjoying it quite as much" thing.

ABC A To Z Top 10 And Teams:  I've been a touch nervous about this one...Leni Muller wasn't mentioned at all in Either the main series or the two spin-offs, and solicits touted this as having her "fate" or some such, so I was fearing death or sinking into the dark side.  Fortunately, such things were avoided, and what I got was a nice little walkthrough of the series, including what I believe is a spoiler or two.  The backup story with "America's Best" and "America's Best" was rather manic fun, too.

Annihilation Silver Surfer #3/Annihilation Super Skrull #3:  Silver Surfer was quite good, and had a fair bit of "holy *beep* the universe is screwed" Galactus-ness, but Super Skrull...sigh...of 22 pages, only the last 3 were actually needed...ah well...

Blade Of The Immortal #114: What's this?  Something actually HAPPENS in the experimenting on Manji?  *goes into shock*  And before I could recover from that, we actually got to see what a few other cast members were up to.  Ok, two, and they're the newest ones, as opposed to the ones we're attached to and finicky about not seeing in a good while, but at least it was entertaining.

Cable Deadpool #29:  Ah Citizen V, how I have missed you.  Citizen V and the first good Domino I've seen in a long time(well, this arc for Domino) can I not be happy.  People really should stop trying to use logic with Wade, though...

Crisis Aftermath The Spectre #1:  First of all, Cliff Chiang's art has gotten a LOT better than the last time I saw it, which wasn't that long ago.  That said, this issue was pretty good, I especially liked how knowing Batman's identity removed all of Batman's power for Cris...not because of a lack of respect, but because it makes Bats human.

Fables #50:  The best of the lot, probably.  The first half was almost perfect, though the second half was a little less so...a bit too probably should have been the main event of 2-3 issues with backup materials, but it's something most fans have been waiting for for a while on all front, and I have pretty much everything was handled even better than expected.

Firestorm The Nuclear Man #26:  *twitch twitch*  NNOOOOO!!! HE JUST CAME BACK!!!  *twitch twitch*

Jonah Hex #8: Hmm...the writer's are waiting for a new penciller and time to write to his strengths, and it shows.  Still good, though.

JSA #86:  I honestly retained squat about this one.  About three pages into it I went "bet this is the next to last issue of the story."  And yuppers, it was.

Marvel Westerns: Two Gun Kid:  Considering Marvel's last sojourn into westerns and my unreasoningly rabid hatred of it and Marvel's insistance on praising it, I was a little leery.  Fortunately, this one was good.  Very good, in fact.  I'm a touch annoyed  at the fact that both the setup and conclusion are in She-Hulk, but I've been looking for an excuse to get those trades, anyway.

Noble Causes #20:  Hmm...I never realized how much I like Rae until this issue.  I'm hoping that Rusty(largely understandable as his actions were)  not only eats an extreme amount of crow, but also gets told to shove.  Yet another no-Frost issue, though...

Runaways Vol 2 #16:  *cries*  my scanner's broken...I NEED scans of some of this...anyway, a good issue.  Gert and Chase are FORBIDDEN to break up, almost as much as Victor is forbidden to die...Also, I didn't realize that I liked Karolina until she left, and I didn't realize I missed her until she came back.  Funny how that works...

Thunderbolts #103:  Interesting developments, particularly the end.  Going any deeper would involve spoilers for those who don't want them, about various things.  Mel needs to go wash her mouth out again, though.

Wonder Woman #1:  I admit, I started off leery about this book because of an artist know for cartoony T&A art, got more leery when "new WW" rumors surfaced, and even more so when the identity of the new WW was confirmed.  That said, this was about 20-30 times as good as I was expecting.  Viewing it as a continuation of the last series, it doesn't match Perez or Jiminez's runs, or Rucka's high points, but was a bit above the rest I've read and at least on a par with the bulk of Rucka's run.  I'm still not sold on the ID of the new WW, fond of the character as I am, but the issue itself was very good.  The art, thankfully, was also considerably better than expected.  Sigh...I want a few scans from this, too.
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