
Nov 12, 2011 11:30

There was no Revenge this week! I was not emotionally prepared for that and felt rather bereft and lost. I should find a community to help me keep up with these things. (What am I going to do if it gets cancelled? If it gets cancelled before confirming that Emanda and Charlotte are half-sisters, I may be devastated! I refuse to consider that they may not be!)

Also, I find it very tragic that Pan Am and Covert Affairs are not on the same channel. If they were, I feel positive that Danielle and Annie would suddenly have a second cousin or godmother or great-aunt-by-marriage with red hair who used to tell them about her adventures back when she was a flight stewardess who moonlighted as a spy during the cold war, and that that's what really triggered annie's interest in languages and the CIA. (Sadly, the years just can't work for Kate to be their mother or grandmother...)

Lost Girl 2.7:

Selkies!  I have such an incredible weakness for selkie stories.  I blame The Secret of Roan Inish for that.
I...was surprisingly unoffended by the whole strip-club plot.  (At least partly because I read the owner enslaving them as a deconstruction of the typical "selkie wife" plot and the idea of the fisherman as romantic.)  Kenzi sure did enjoy that more than planned.
Dyson...I'd say I'd like him if he was on mute, but then we'd miss the voice.  Maybe a personality transplant?  Right now, his plot bugs me primarily because it seems we're headed to Kiara being a villain and behind the stuff Trick is looking into, and that she killed her husband to take over the business?  I have no issues, of course, with a lady running a mercenary company as the Big Bad of the season, but if we are going there, then I strongly dislike that it's as "THe wrong girl" for Dyson.  Also, uhm...her husband killed the husbandshe actually chose for herself then immediately claimed her as a piece of property, so if she did kill him and we're meant to see that as bad on her part, I will be exceptionally judgey to the show.
But yay to Lauren's backstory!  And the continuation of more Hale and Lauren!  And especially on no New Ash this week.

Nikita 2.7:

Wow Ryan, they actually found something interesting to do with you!  This is what happens when you met Amanda run loose.  Keep it up, show.

The Max reveal is...going better than expected?  I'm still a bit iffy as I think that Cassandra is right in not wanting anyone at all to know.  And while i don't think it's actually bad for Michael to know he has a son, of course, I'm sure Division is already all "Gosh, he sure scurried there fast.  How old is that kid again?" and Cassandra and Max don't need Michael checking in on them.  (This is why so many secret baby plots and I are a bad mix!  I almost always agree with the mother's reasons, even when I feel bad for the father, but I'm always expected to put myself in his shoes.)  I do think that he and Nikita need...not a break, but he needs to deal with this and Nikita needs a bit of time to not be constantly faced with people dying and she just needs some solo time to chill.  I'm sure Birkoff has a private jet she can borrow.

I was...deeply uninterested in Alex's friend?  I dunno.  It wasn't bad, but something about it felt emotionally manipulative.

I was totally on board wuth the "Pierce is Sean's mommy and that is what's up with him!" until he wouldn't let her hold his hand for even a second.  Still, should be very interesting in the future.

I did not miss Percy or Birkoff.  (Ok, I kinda missed Nikita picking on Birkoff.  He's a good stress reviever for her.)

I haven't watched this week's episode yet.

Once Upon A Time 1.3

Well, Elena Gilbert's Bio Daddy (the whale from Pinocchio here?) I'm glad you let me know what to think of you here by ogling a teenaged waitress instead of paying attention to your date!
Uhm...while I enjoyed all the Snow White/Prince Charming/James stuff, I was mostly all  "EEEeee!  Emma and Snow are roomies now!  Shut up, Henry."  I guess because, while it is important stuff, it was more cute background and as much fun as it was, the fairy tale land stuff in the other 2 episodes were just so much more interesting to me?  (Also, CPR IS NOT KISSING!  Even if she did actually kiss him at the end, I think.  Which is actually kinda weird, really.  But guys, if you haven't done CPS, either in training or on a person that HURTS.  When you do that, you don't want to make out.  Your arms and lungs huuuuurrrrttttt.)  Also, i kept flashing back to Tangled and being all "OMG how will he survive this courtship without permanent brain damage!??!"  Well, at least it wasn't an iron skillet?  Rapunzel was ruthless with that thing.  (No wonder Charming was in a coma.  It must have been a delayed reaction!  Unconsciousness is clearly a major theme in that relationship.)
The sheriff is so the Big Bad Wolf.  Which...uhm...I'm actually kinda tired of the Big Bad Wolf ending up a good guy and being the heroine's love interest?  More a trend complaint than anything in the show itself.  (And in 10th Kingdom, which started the trend, he wasn't heroic so much as he was in love with the heroine and it just became a habit.  But this is why I want him to stay grey and/or loyal to Regina even once he and Emma inevitbly move past sniping at each other to warm fuzzies.
And this episode needed more Regina!  And less Henry.  Show, why must Henry be in at least 1/3 of the scenes?  He needs to just show up once or twice an episode and ship Snow/Charming and heroworship Emma a bit.
Still so much fun.

Homeland 1.1

This is going to be very awkward show for me. See, regardless of whether or not Damien Lewis's character is a traitor, I sympathize with him because if he did turn, he was obviously relentlessly physically and mentally tortured.

However, I have a deep need for Claire Dane's analyst character to be RIGHT and for Morena Baccarin's character (she plays Lewis's wife) to be HAPPY, which basically means that I want the male lead to be a traitor. (I am also a bit iffy on how very easy it would be for the show to go into the realm of complete Fail with both their arcs.)

But it's...interesting? And has a lot of excellent actors. Not something I'll be able to watch in large doses, but I'm curious to see where it goes.

That said, there are exceptionally awkward sex scenes (and by "awkward" I mean "WTF?" and "Whoa what? Uncomfortable much?" in chronological order) and I feel the writers may be slightly too devoted to Life and possibly think they're writing an AU.

Covert Affairs 2.12:

Arthur in the field is an odd feeling, but Annie and Arthur on a mission is apparently something I did not know I desperately craved until it was on my screen.  Also, I'm glad I don't have to yell at the show for inevitably making the ex-girlfriend either try to get him to cheat or end up a traitor.  Or both.  Joan filling Arthur's shoes was great.  Jai with authority will take some getting used to.

Also, in any other show, when Arthur and Elsa were being chased and Annie stole the motorcycle, Annie would have saved that day by driving the motorcycle with one hand while shooting out the other car's tires with the other.  Instead, she cuts ahead and lays a boobie trap.

That's why I loved this show.  (Though while I was thinking that, I did pause to wonder if Annie ever did get her own gun.)

Ringer 1.8

Show, your drama is so very bad, but I love you so very much!

Juliet, stop crushing on your teacher! Logan Echolls, good job on being a responsible adult!  Do not waver in this!  Juliet, don't stalk your teacher!  (Also, Juliet, you're consoling skills are rather lacking, but you did try.)

You know, intellectually, I realize that there was no miscarriage (though I think that, on some level, losing that part of the Siobahn cover had a bit of a similar psychological effect on her?  I couldn't help but think she was in a bit of shock for some of the episode, and not just from dodging that bullet.) but almost every time Henry or Andrew opened their mouths I wanted to yell "Her miscarriage is not about you!"  Despite, well, both having good cause to be upset.

I was so worried that we were in for an extended downward spiral with Malcolm being an addict, so I'm glad we appear to be dodging that bullet, despite the "rich white people help the black addict" bit.  I am deeply deeply concerned about Malcolm rooming with Charlie, though.  Malcolm!  Run away!  Run away!  (Also, I appear to have dumped Bridget/Andrew for Biridget/Malcolm.  I just get too much whiplash with Andrew being sweet one minute and then a jerk the next, no matter how much my mind tells me I might be overreacting!  Also, the power of Malcolm's love appear to be some sort of unstoppable force of nature with a serious selfless streak.)

I laugh forever at Bridget once again upsetting Sobahn's plans without having a clue there were plans to upset.

Pan Am 1.7:

I am both surprised and relieved at the lack of followup on Maggie outting Dean and Jenny, though I kind of think the boss already knew?  I'm not sure.  But it's like a cloud of doom is hovering.  (I mean, 50/50 chance that it's a fakeout and she told him something else, but still...)

Kate's face when Laura was talking about nude photographs!  I think she almost had a stroke.  (And gosh, did I want to hug Kate for most of the episode.  I must now reject all future love interests because I want him to come back safely and they can have reidiculously pretty spybabies!)

And Collette got Dean to let her fly the plane!  And she didn't even have to ask.  (I wonder if Collette reported her victory?)

And, uhm, show, I'm glad that you do include some serious things and all, but when a young woman is alone overnight with a man who is a complete stranger to her, locking her bedroom door is the smart thing to do regardless of his race.  (Also, maybe you could look at a few more pictures of Pan Am stewardesses and notice they weren't all white?)

Actually, I'm kind of appalled Maggie didn't ask Laura if she was ok with someone else sleeping there while she was alone in the apartment, or at least warn her?  Then again, I'm not sure Maggie is really capable of forethought or considering consequences.  (She may also assume that everyone possesses the skill of impromptu weapon making...)

Randomly:  I appreciate the show's ability to consistently create male characters I do not hate, given the concept.  Well, except Kate's handlers.  Mostly the British one.  Her American handler is less deliberately a sexist jerk, and more comes across as not wanting to let her delude herself or shield her or hold her hand.  (Not that she needs her hand held.)

tv: pan am, tv: nikita, tv: homeland, tv: covert affairs, tv: ringer, tv: revenge, tv: once upon a time, tv: lost girl

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