Lost Girl 2.1-2.4

Sep 29, 2011 19:54

1.  I'm pretty sure I used to like Dyson.  Like, back in the first half of season 1, before the show decided that whether or not the straight white guy who wants to control her wanted to have sex with her that week always had to be the focus.  And before he decided the fact that her being a succubus who never indicated that monogamy* was her plan was an inconvenient habit she should get over or whatever.  Now he comes on screen and i'm all "Dyson, why are you having scenes with characters I still like?  (Which is almost everyone else.)

2.  On the flipside, there's lots more Lauren and Hale so far this season.

3.  I'm sideeying the Ash storyline pretty hard.  Especially with how the current status came to be in 2.2.

4.  This show and it's ideas about consent make me very uncomfortable at times (actually, probably at least once an episode) yet don't set me off the way other shows do.

5.  I watch for the plot.  And by "plot" I mean Lauren being sciencey, Kenzi being lippy, and Bo waiving weapons around and knowing how to use them,  (Though I kinda wonder when she became so proficient with various bladed weapons.) and hopes that we'll get more actual mythology and history mixed with the actual variety of fae races.

*I actually suspect Bo will eventually be ok with a monogamous relationship as long as it's a partner who can handle her literal needs, but right now she's a succubus who only figured out how to have sex with people without killing them to stay alive herself a few months ago.

tv: lost girl

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