And my traditional puppy and kitty picture has gone missing! Alas! Do not mock!
Though, if it weren't Cheap Chocolate Day Eve, I would be posting a long rant about how The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo would be much more enjoyable with about half the wordcount, and if Mikael's level of self-insertion were reduced to at least Bella Swann levels. Also, uhm, it's great that Larsson does seem to have a fairly developed idea about women, violence, and social views of such and is pretty critical about it, but, uhm, it'd be way better if he didn't insist on writing them like they're a fascinating but unfathomable object under a microscope and completely Other-ing any attempt at their POV. Also, intelligent people can, in fact, believe in a higher power, and expressing an interest in religion does not mean you are being brainwashed by a cult. Oh, and no, Leviticus is not the only book in the Bible. But I suspect the Harriet mystery is going to be at least partly resolved in a way I like. (Also, I hope he got paid for product placement, especially when product decriptions seem to literally be lifted from catalogues. You could have a drinking game with "iBook.")