(no subject)

Oct 11, 2010 18:13

I have returned from a weekend of various family visits and get togethers and much, much reading in the car.  This involved many people of whom I am exceptionally fond (like my brother, my sister-in-law, my nephews, my maternal grandfather's sisters, the uncle I'm closest to of my father's five brothers, and my mother's sisters-who now sport the exact same hairstyle and color, which is a bit confusing-and their husbands) there was also a whole lot of FOX News, Rush Limbaugh (and his fellow radio knockoffs) and Obama jokes.

A person can only hide behind L. J. Smith and Agatha Christie books so much without appearing unsociable.

Deprogramming shall commence in 5...4...3...2...1...

*ponders the appropriateness of icons of strung up, half-naked, post-torture Stefan Salvatore*

Also, I must get cracking with graphics for the femslash_land Big Bang.  (I should also find out if it must be overtly slashy, of just depict a relationship between two women that could be interpretted that way if you want.  Because if it must be overt, I may be doomed...)

Possibly, people could provide caps/inspiration...

I shall reply to meme comments soon.
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