So, I was talked into watching the finale of the first season of Legend of the Seeker. Much better than the pilot, but I mostly wished it was Adventures of Sinbad that I was watching instead. But then, it was kinda based around Epic Love that I haven't seen enough of to have an investment in or have a real opinion about. Oh, and Richard getting beat up a lot, as puppy eyes appear to be his only weapon. Plus Danielle Cormack. I may have watched more sooner if you'd told me Ephiny was in it.
Anyway, the spoilery point of this post!
So, I realize that there's all this "chosen hero" stuff and the world needs Richard and all, but please tell me that people were bugged that:
1. Kahlan married the Evil Dude and basically knowingly did something that would probably destroy the world to get her boyfriend back.
2. While Kahlan herself was pretty awesome in that she didn't back down, her plot was basically having to sacrifice herself and wait and wait and wait?