random update

Mar 08, 2006 16:16

Well...they aren't exactly weekly anymore...pretty much when I feel like it, now(I'm turning into James)

I have a lowdown article to write tonight...may do the Buffy/Angel post after.  Course, next week is spring break(whee!) so I'll have extra time for such things, then.

Still not getting the "cut text" option(or rather, I'm using what is supposedly that, and it isn't working)


Gladiator: Extended Edition:  With one exception, all the extra footage is some scenes being extended versions of the original theatrical scenes.  Ridley Scott's intro was unintentionally funny(in a good way)  "Legend" really did scar the poor man for life.  Haven't really explored disc 3 yet, it's mostly galleries, but I liked the documentary, particularly the parts about the animals(I swear the guy in charge of the animals was channeling Spike from Buffy for a minute there...) and then the section about finishing the movie after Oliver Reed's death.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire:  I'm going to preface this with "A weak Harry Potter movie is still better than at least 80% of what's out there."  That said, with the exception of the ball and from the maze onward, this was easily the weakest of the movies, though it'll be hard to top "Prisoner of Azkaban."  I had a MAJOR problem with the setup of this movie, in that the teachers were deliberately putting students in potentially fatal situations with minimal safeguards, and then involving non-particapant students as well.  Then they went and killed a preferred supporting character.  On the other hand, In Alan Rickman and Miranda Richardson, many, many things are forgiven.  Like, most.  I also felt a moment of sincere pity for all the adult males in the audience when Hermione made her appearance at the ball.

Legend of Zorro:  Enjoyable.  Light on the sword fighting for a Zorro movie.  If you liked the first one, you'd probably like this one, and if you hated the first, you'd hate this one.  That said...poor Rufus Sewell...every time I see him in a movie, I can't help but think that he's capable of far more than what he's given.


Poor, poor DC writers.  In a normal major crossover, they can just work the events into their normal stuff.  This time, however, all the current events have to be wrapped up, or cut off mid action.  And so, we have a few months, give or take, of (mostly good)filler issues, including:

Birds of Prey #91
JSA #82
JSA Classified #8-9
Legion Of Super-Heroes #14-15 
Rann Thanagar War Infinite Crisis Special(not a filler, but mostly people running around, w/ about 10 pages of it actually necessary)
Runaways Vol 2 #13(not DC, but it was filler...)
Supergirl #4-5
Teen Titans #32 
Wonder Woman #226

And in the non-and-less-afflicted titles...

Aquaman #39:  Subscription kicked in an issue early.  Fortunately, it wasn't bad.
Athena Voltaire #1:  Depressingly good.  "Depressingly" because Speakeasy just went up in a puff of smoke.  Fortunately, the writer is shopping it around.  Though they're nothing alike, it reminded me a lot of Xenozoic Tales.  Which is about the top 4~ compliments I can make about a comic.
Blade Of The Immortal #110:  Oh you cruel, lying cover...while the "Manji in prison and being experimented on" story is interesting, it's better as background/side stuff, not the only action.  I'd rather  it was serving as the background to Rin's looking for him and adjusting to her new houseguests.
Cable Deadpool #25:  Zircher is gone.  Many tears flow.  Fortunately, Lan Medina is a suitable replacement, always been fond of his work.  A good issue, despite the near complete absense of Deadpool.
Captain America #14-15:  The resolution of the Cosmic Cube aspect of the story was a touch anticlimactic...seemed like it ended up being more of a Deus Ex Machina than anything else, in the end.  Still, it was a great st oryline.  Not so sure about the Crossbones/Syn storyarc, yet.
Fables #46:  ::scratches head::
Firestorm #22: Well this is...interesting...I'm curious to see where it goes, and revealed that the flaming hair is staying, despite what were clearly professor Stein's fervent hopes.
Jonah Hex #4
JSA Classified #7: JSA has the best villains out there.  Always been fond of Icicle...he's nothing resembling a good guy, but isn't as bad as he wants to be.
Manhunter #19:  I don't know if Marc Andreyko just got really lucky in having current events wrapping up right around when it was time for the OYL jump, or if he's just really, really good, but I think that this is the only one where not only is it a natural jumping point, but it's also one where a sabbatical from the character's life makes sense.
New Thunderbolts #18:  Go ahead Joystick, I don't mind.  Uhm...Zemo, are you sure you REALLY want to give her her powers back.  You've got it bad for the girl, it's the only explanation...
Noble Causes #17:   Hmm...I wonder how many shops got in trouble for having that cover in the eyesight of minors...
Spellgame #3
Usagi Yojimbo #91: ...No Tomoe getting married.  Nonononono.  Don't want it.
Witchblade #95

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