brief note on Twin Peaks 2.6

Aug 25, 2009 01:09

Well, the end of that episode had one of the most seriously creepy scenes I have ever seen.  I think I'm going to have nightmares over that one.

So, this season (and for all but one, before it) I have had four major theories about the show:

1.  Donna and Audrey are SEKRITLY SISTERS.
2.  Leland killed Laura.  (Later morphed into "Leland is possessed by Bob/Bob is an alternate personality of Leland's, and Bob-possessed-Leland killed Laura.)
3.  Maddie will die, probably in the killer reveal.
4.  The Japanese guy with the clearly fake voice at the inn is SEKRITLY CATHERINE.

#2-4 were proved correct in this episode.  #4 in a scene of OVERWHELMING ADORABLENESS with Pete, and #2-3 in the above super creepy scene.

I only have one theory left, and it is entirely based on a random though about their hairstyles in an earlier episode!

Also, I totally ship Donna/Maddie, and wish James had gone instead so Donna and Maddie could have continued being Junior Detectives using each other as replacements for Laura.  I...I...watching this show makes me wonder if this is what being a stereotypical slashfan is like, given my deep longing for James to go away and all...

No spoilers or hints about future episodes in the comments, please.  On threat of eternal shunning.

tv: twin peaks

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