Apr 01, 2005 01:14
* some funny things said online tonight....
-Chippy0789: the easter bunny put history study sheets in my basket!
-HAHAHAH omg !! that is officaly the nerdiest thing i've ever heard!!!i LOVE patti! thats cracks me up!!! i could just she her!! hahahah ok.....
-LilShAnNy90: DUDE its like a cage
LilShAnNy90: i could have to stop and cross my legs
LilShAnNy90: we know that stance well
* very true caitlin! hahaha i do that all the time!!! hahaha
- another comment from P-lou
Chippy0789: and u get to act all cheery like "how have your bowel movements been today miss"
*about our new job at the hospital! we'll look soo hot in our scrubs! ;)
hahaha! i'm going to have to stop and think about these.....
<3 Megs
>*fill out that thing from yesterday!!! :)