U o s i e, Blind Guardian concert and stuff~

Sep 15, 2009 10:48

I was so up to writing a propoer journal, but now I'm too lazy. v_v


5th - 11th September - I was at the Biebrza National Park, looking for my beloved elks and I found quite a lot of them. <3
On 5th I didn't see one, on 6th (Sunday, and the only day without a mist in the morning) I got up really early and saw 3 from very close distant (one of them was started by us - he was patiently waiting in his pit when we came and he had to run. Poor elk. T3T But he was really beautiful, and I'm so unhappy that my brother didn't get a good shot on him. >_<' And he even deleted one of the photos. _^_ Just what you would expect from my stupid brother. _^_) This day was the day when we met miss Kasia (a Park guide), who also came across us at Wizna, where we originally came to see the Sabaton concert, and in the end we saw the historic battle presentation and didn't go to the concert at all, because waiting for it would have taken too much time. Anyway after meeting miss Kasia for the second time, we reserved a guide, miss Ania, for another morning. Just how convinient can it be? ;3
Then again on 7th (there was mist in the morning, so we got there at 7 o' clock only... but we were at Czerwone Bagno with a guide, miss Ania) I saw a little fox from really close ("myślałam, że posramy się w gacie"? xD) and also a few elks, but from far away.
8th must have been the day when I didn't feel so great, so I requested a break and said I'm not going, and everybody else said that they're not going as well (just what you would expect when you've been getting up at 4 o' clock day by day....). But we got to the park later, at 6.:30 p.m. and then we saw 6 elks. :3 (That day in the afternoon my family who decided to go for mushroom picking came back with a new hatred - for the insects called "jelonki". I'm so glad I didn't go with them that time! Those creatures are truly invincible! @_@ No matter how many times you kill them - they still move and live! They're worse than the ants at MleczKolonie one year ago, which also were quite resistant... )
And then on 9th there were 7 I think, and then again on 10th there were 5 new elks... On 10th we got to the park in the evening too, but didn't see many elks from close by - just one from the tower, I think...
On 11th we were going home, so we were too exhausted to

Okay, a bit chaotic, but that was something. (By the way, you don't have to read all that's above. It's for my personal use of remembering it, because I'm really forgetful. <3'')

Okay, and maybe some shots from my brother now. <3 I hate it how he never gives me the camera and then not allows to use his photos freely, but I guess it can't be helped. =_=''''
Links to his dA:
A little fox 1
A little fox 2 <- I really wanted to show them differently, but he only submitted the close-up shots of the little fox.
Anyway... doesn't he look like a one you meet in the zoo, and not free going on the park road?! @___@

A majestic elk <- it seems this one was on 10th. So on 10th we got some really close and nice elks. :3 But there was a lot of mist, so we couldn't see them as good as we wished for and they ran off fast too... v_v But... An elk~! <3333 Yay~! ^0^

Ah, and I almost forgot. : D One time, at 7th September, when we were giving back the telescope to the Park authorities, we got to their main office, which was usually closed. And it's really fantastic inside! They have a little exposition of (unfortunately klilled and stuffed) animals (but only those which died in accidents! >w<), and there's a little shop, and look what I've got~! ^_^ <3

A T-shirt and a bag for my laptop with an elk~! ^0^ Yahoo~! I'm so happy. <3

After we got back on Friday, at 12th (Saturday), we went to Płock to see the first Blind Guardian concert in Poland! It WAS AWSOME!!! BLIND GUARDIAN IS MY TOTALLY AND FOREVER FAVOURITE BAND!!! GO GO GOOO!!!! And come again, you were the greatest! ^0^ But I feel like Polish audience didn't stand to the expectations, because I didn't hear the Bard's Song very clearly, and it's a tradition on Blind Guardians' concerts, that this song is NOT sang by the vocalist. xD
Anyway it was fun and although many uninterested and drunk people happened to pass by, there were also a lot of fans and we all had a really great time~! :D It was my second concert of Blind Guardian I attened to, but the first one in Poland. :3 (Before I had to go to Slovakia.) I hope they come back soon! :D After all - they just have to cross the border. =_=' (They're from Germany and it was their first concert in Poland in their 25-year band history. _^_ )
But good that now they've came and have broken the run of bad luck! x3


While I was on the trip, my friends bought me a lovely pyjama with a chocolate elk!! *0* Awww, thank youuuuu!!!!!!! ;_____; *hug, hug, hug, hug*
Razuri gave it to me, but I know that girls bought it together. :3 Thank you very much, it's lovely~! ^0^ <333

THANK YOU~!!! <3333
It's beautiful! : D


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