he's back! :o)

Apr 16, 2004 08:42

First best friend: Amanda Wright...who's getting married Saturday...awwwwwww
First car: Honda Civic
First date: haha, Anthony who was my crush for-like-ever Woot!
First real kiss: Brandon M.
First break-up: Jacob :o(
First screen name: mrh908
First self purchased album: Ace of Base
First funeral: I don't remember
First pets: Ubu, Shih-tzu
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card: I don't want credit cards...I might get in trouble
First true love: Jerad, but I'd never get back with him after meeting Chris
First enemy: Miss Judy, gah, I hated that woman
First musician you remember hearing in your house: I played piano

Last cigarette: yesterday @ like 5:45
Last car ride: 7:50am on my way to work
Last kiss: this morning...aww...it's nice waking up to him
Last good cry: last Sunday when I had to leave Chris
Last library book checked out: it was called "the baby" but it was way back in high school
Last movie seen: Devil's Pond and Out of Time
Last beverage drank: bottled water
Last food consumed: 1/2 bagel and some grapes
Last crush: Chris lol but before that it was the Cagle Electric guy...WOOT
Last phone call: Audrye
Last time showered: this morning at about 6:45
Last shoes worn: flip-flops
Last cd played: 311-Soundsystem
Last item bought: tampons
Last annoyance: people talking shit about my relationship
Last disappointment: stupid client...
Last time wanting to die: you should ask me that last time i've wanted to kill someone...and that would be now
Last time scolded: it's been couple of ten years
Last shirt worn: pink button down
Last website visited: www.playerappreciate.com
Last word you said: "They've really f'ed up putting me as the head prosecutor"
Last song you sang: 311-Freeze Time

What is in your cd player?: the Passion of the Christ
What color socks are you wearing?: nern
What Color of underwear are you wearing?: kelly green
What's under your bed?: my dog usually
What time did you wake up today?: 5:45

Where do you want to go?: Gadsden
What is your career going to be?: Court Reporting
Where are you going to live?: lol no telling...
How many kids do you want?: 1 or twins
What kind of car(s): Mazda 3 or a Cougar...maybe an Audi if I'm lucky

Current mood: sleepy
Current music: it's so quiet in here...cept' for the fountain
Current taste: Wrigley's spearmint
Current hair: flat-ironed
Current clothes: khaki capris and a button down
Current annoyance(s): i'm so freakin sleepy
Current longing: Chris and I to get to see each other on my lunch hour
Current desktop picture: Tahiti
Current favorite artist: i dunno
Current book(s): Alabama Rules of Court
Current color of toenails: hot pink
Current time-wasting wish: playing pool
Current hate: gah...i'm not even gonna say...

I may seem: bossy/uptight/wild...
But I'm really: shy/affectionate/childish
Sometimes I feel: helpless
In the morning I: have to have my coffee
I like to sleep: all weekend
If I could be doing anything right now I would be: to Cordova to go to sleep
Money is: never there when I need it
One thing I wish I had is: money
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: lovehandles lol
All I need is: Chris
If I had one wish it would be: to marry Chris and be rich
Love is: amazing...

If an angel flew into my window at night I would: ask about my dad
If a demon crashed into my window I would: hide
If I could see one person right now it would be: my dad for some reason
Something I want but I don't really need is: cigarette
Something I need but I don't really want is: to go home
I live to: have fun.
I am afraid of: Bigfoot, Aliens, chainsaws, scorpions
It makes me angry when: people run their mouths about me

1. Black or white? black
2. Boxers or briefs? boxers
3. Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
4. Salt or pepper? pepper
5. Sweet or sour? sweet
6. Vanilla or chocolate? vanilla
7. Short or long? long
8. Cheap or expensive? cheap
9. Firm or soft? soft
10. Hot or cold? hot

My favorite.....

1. Color is: pink
2. Song is: Mario Winans~I dont wanna know or Hoobastank~The Reason
3. Scent is: Angel, Love Spell or Burberry Brit
4. Alcoholic beverage is: Malibu Rum
5. Food is: pizza

I wish I...

1. Drove a: Audi
2. Lived in a: town house
3. Worked at: a court reporting firm :o)
4. Could be like: Britney Spears
5. Had: a lot of money

About Me...

1. Full name: Megan Rilee Harrison
2. Birthday: 9/8/85
3. Number of candles on last birthday cake: 18
4. What do you do when you are bored? sleep
5. What did you dream about last nite? had a nightmare that this crazy guy with long stringy black hair was standing in the road with a chainsaw and he followed Chris and me home from the mall. Then, Chris held up a shotgun to shoot him, but I sang for them and they stopped.

If you...

1. Had the chance to meet the president, what would you say? nothing, I don't want to meet the President. I'm a goob.
2. Had a million dollars, what would you do? buy Chris a Jeep and a motorcycle, buy me a nice car and a big house and fill it up with beautiful stuff and beautiful clothes
3. Had wings, where would you fly? the beach
4. Could go back in time, or into the future, would you? 50's
6. Were famous, who would you be? Britney Spears
7. Could rid the world of one problem, what would it be? people who talk shit lol
8. Were on a billboard, what would be on it with you? my dog
9. Were taken to a remote island and were only allowed to take 2 things, what would you take? that's not fair lol
10. Owned a laundry mat, what would you name it? Wash yo Shit
Time Finished: 9:35am
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