Title: Rosa (and Myka) to the Rescue!
Megan-MoonlightDate of Posting: August 5th, 2019
Rating: PG
Fandom: Warehouse 13/Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Characters/Pairings: Rosa Diaz/Claudia Donovan, Steve Jinks, Myka Bering, others mentioned
Disclaimer: I make no money from this fanwork.
Summary: During a quest to get back a dangerous artifact, Claudia and Steve get captured. Help comes from someone Claudia didn't expect to see. Not yet, anyway.
Spoilers: -
Warnings: -
Beta: -
Author's Notes: Here is another Rosa/Claudia fic, because I love this ship to pieces. I love them to the point that I developed headcanons about them (one of them being Rosa and Claudia watching a shit-ton of TV together on Rosa's couch). So, yes, Rosa (and Myka) to the rescue!
I had to take a few liberties when it comes to the case as a background of the story, but I hope it's not too bad. Enjoy!
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