My icon of The Rays will have to do until I'll find good OT3 icon XD
Title: Breakfast
Megan-MoonlightDate of Posting: October 13th, 2011
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Due South
Characters/Pairings: Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio
Disclaimer: All the characters © Paul Haggis
Summary: Ray was tired. He really deserved some rest. And a breakfast would be nice, too.
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Here is the picture.
On the right side there is Fraser. The most generous, wonderful, brave, amazing person ever. Yay for Mounties! <3
Then we have Diefenbaker, the most badass wolf in history!
On the lest side we have Raymond Vecchio, Fraser's first partner when he started working in Chicago - aka, his First Ray. He loves suits and is Italian :D Next to him is Stanley Raymond Kowalski, Fraser's second partner who prefers to be called Ray - Fraser's Second Ray. He works undercover as Ray Vecchio. Is Vecchio's opposite but is also so very amazing <3
And I ship Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio so very hard <3333 I can read and Fraser/Kowalski, and Fraser/Vecchio and Kowalski/Vecchio, but when I do, I just feel like there's so mething missing... I need all three of them in one fic to make me happy XD
Haha, obviously, you have too much love to give! ;D
And the first episode of RayK's appearance is so entertaining! Vecchio disappears and everybody tries to make Fraser believe that Kowalski is Vecchio XDDDD
Most of the fandom ships Fraser/RayK (hard not to, really, so much subtext... and there is a kiss "buddy breathing" under water...), but I totally fell for F/K/V XD They're my idea of a perfect partnership and relationship <333333 I eep reading fics for it - at least one a day to keep me happy *lol*
And I'm babbling again... sorry XD I get too excited about Due South ^^'
OMG!! For me personally, it's really hard to imagine shipping a threesome relationship. But that's just because I haven't found the right one yet. Well, I'll see what happens. :DD
Don't be sorry. ;D AHAHAHAHA, I'm just getting the meaning of your icon! :'DDDD
I really, really recommend the show. It has one of the most awesome portrayal of partnerships in the history of TV shows, if you ask me :D
Yeah, I needed this icon! :D I was never able to choose between the first Ray and the second Ray XDDD They're both so very awesome!
I'm a sucker for threesomes and moresomes XD My three current favourite ones are Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, Perry/Harry/Harmony from "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang", Leon/Percival/Gwaine from "Merlin" and Kirk/McCoy/Spock ^^
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