I wish today was tomorrow. Then I wouldn't have time to think. Than again I've got an hour before Charms starts, then lunch, then Muggle Studies, the homework. I'm been trying to keep my mind going, and not taking too much time to think about...well, what happened the other day. And the truth is, I'm scared out of my mind. I feel so bad for Hermione and her family, I really do, but it's hard not to think that "Well, if it happened to her, why couldn't something like that happen to me?" But then again, I think most of the Muggleborn's are really freaked out right now.
My older brother sent me a letter early this morning back saying that some "strange things" are happening, and that my family is planning on moving north, where the rest of my family is. I'm not sure how I feel about it. James is sure they won't. But you never know.
I feel sick to my stomach. I haven't been able to eat barley anything lately. I think I should just lie down after Muggle Studies. Maybe I can get a light sleeping draught from Madam Pomfry or have Hannah smuggle me some. I can't keep my self up anymore into way late at night knitting. Some of the girls in the dorm got mad at me because they couldn't sleep with the clicking of my needles, so I've been in the common room until early morning. But on the plus side, I've made two pairs of socks and half a sweater, all by hand. No magic.
Dear Fred,
I'd like to put in an Owl order for a Skiving Snack-box, inclosed it the proper amount as well.
And I was wondering if you had anytime on the next Hogesmede trip you'd be willing to...um...spend some time with me? If not then no big deal.....
Megan Jones
I'm also taking requests for things to knit, I'm running out of projects.