Skyla, I do sometimes say things but only because you ignore me or say mean things to me ,, You really do. I TRY to be friends with you , but you do not want to be mine anymore.. You did before you started hanging with Beth.. You always want to be my friend when you have nobody else. But as soon as you have another person to talk to you ignore me.. I really like Beth so this is NOT anything against her. You started not liking me when I started datin Perry and you just never have liked me anymore. in one of your updates you said I BEGGED you to come spend the nite.. well I am sorry you didn't want to. I wanted you to come over becuase I still want to be your friend. I have never had a friend that I laugh with as much as you.. That is when you actually like me.. You said its because I didn't spend as much time with you.. Well any of your friends that get a boyfriend will not spend as much time with you. You don't seem to mind if your other friends have boyfriends.. Just me .. I just don't understand.. Why do you hate me?? I will not ever say another mean thing to you skyla.. If you want to be my friend I want to be yours.. I'm sorry.
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