Happy Birthday Emily Beck, even tho you cant read this

May 31, 2006 15:55

im going to the movies tonight. its great. im going to see X3 around like 6 or 7. i dont know im just really happy. today was such a good day.

i made fun of schuetser< spelling wrong? i bet so and it was great
sam and sara and some other people got mad but i dont care
its just him i dont really like him much anyways. but i deal with it i think i dont like him that much is because he tries to be your friend and then he turns right back around and is a jerk and then it takes like a zillion years to play and he says we need more time to practice and all i can think is well it is your fault if you didnt talk so much maybe we would get more done. hes sort of like my brother.

first hour was emily becks birthday you all know her shes the blond with the BIG eyes. you all find her annoying.well it is her birthday

third hour with ricketts wow it wasnt as bad hes being so nice now and i now have a D not a E in his class and im happy.
it would be nice to have a C tho. im just not good with vocab not thats im stupid or anything like that

then i got yelled at about my skirt like wtf it was 3 inches above the knee CRY why dont you! i dont like going to davison. but i love going to school with you guys or i loved going to school with the people that left us to rot in hell

all together today was really good. and im going to have a good night and im really happy. things could be like 70% better but its been getting better for like the last few days.
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