(no subject)

Dec 17, 2004 00:19

I had a nice time at the party tonight. Got all gussied up. Made stuffed mushrooms to bring (so yummy... thanks Heather). Had 3 glasses of wine and talked with some nice women I had never met before. I really hate going places where I don't know a soul (other than 1 person), especially alone, but I needed some time away, even if it was for only 4 hours. And it turned out okay so I am glad I went.

My mom came for a visit today. Ate pea soup and bread (made from scratch) for lunch. My sister comes to town next week so I am excited to see her. Haven't seen her since August. Christmas will consist of me, Jeff, Grace, my sister and her hubby, Mom and Bob, a friend of my moms who comes every year, and 6 dogs. 6 dogs! Our 2 Bostons, my moms 2 Airedales, and my sisters 2 Wheatons. Yikes. Should be interesting. Daisy has this lovely attribute where she drools every time she gets excited so my mom will be lucky if there isn't doggy drool everywhere by the time we leave. Mmm, doggy drool. Nothing better.

I am hoping for Julie's sake that she doesn't have her baby before Christmas. MAX! STAY IN THERE! And Julie, STAY IN BED!!!!!!

I should probably go try to sleep but I am too wired on wine and sugar.

family, friends, holidays, dogs

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