1. What was the highlight of your day yesterday? Getting into my PJ's
2. Whose car were you in last? Mine
3. When is the next time you are going to kiss someone? Tonight when I get Grace out of the tub.
4. What color shirt are you wearing? Black
5. How long is your hair? Just above my shoulders
6. Last movie you watched? Saving Private Ryan
7. Last thing you drank? water
8. Last thing you ate? potato chips
9. Where did you sleep last night? In my bed
10. Are you happy right now? Yup, although very tired
11. What did you say last? I'm going to close this door to keep the steam in there."
12. Where is your phone? In the charger
13. What was the last museum you went to? I have no freaking idea
14. What color are your eyes? blue
15. Who came over last? Peter
16. When was the last time you had your heart broken? This year
17. Who/what do you hate/dislike currently? The health coordinator at my job
18. What are you listening to? Grace talking to herself
19. If you could have one thing right now what would it be? sex
20. What is the best smell? Grace
21. Who is always there when you need someone to talk to? My friends
22. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping
23. Are you left-handed? No
24. What's for dinner tonight? Grilled cheese and chips
26. When is your birthday? 2.27.72
27. Who was the last person to send you a text message? I don't think I have ever text messaged anyone. I am a loser.
28. Who stole question 28? The Kraken
29. Where was the last place you went shopping? Wal-Mart
30. How do you feel about your hair right now? I like it
31. Do you have any expensive jewelry? My engagement ring and some smaller pieces that Jeff and my family has bought me over the years.
32. AIM or MSN? Neither...google talk
33. Where does most of your family live? New England
34. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? An older sister
35. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? In some ways, yes
36. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up? "NOOOOOO!"
37. Do you drink beer? Yum
38. Myspace or Facebook? Myspace, but I don't go there much
40. What is/was your favorite subject in school? free period
41. What type of boy/girl do you usually fall for? The Bad Boy is what I am attracted to, but I usually fall hard for the nice ones.
42. Do you have any hidden talents? Wouldn't you like to know...
43. Have you ever been in a wedding? Lori's, Julie's (sorta), my sister's
44. Do you have any children? 1 amazing daughter
45. Did you take a nap? I wish
46. Ever met someone famous? No
47. Do you want to be famous one day? I used to, now I'd settle for being able to pay my bills
48. Are you multitasking right now? If typing and smoking counts...then yes, yes I am
49. Could you handle being in the military? No fucking way
50. What is your average cell phone bill? Pay as you go. 1000 minutes for $100.
51. Do you believe in karma? Yes
52. Been to Las Vegas? No
53. What are you doing today? I worked.
54. Have you ever been gambling? yes
55. Anyone know what happened to question 55? That damn Kraken again
56. Have you been to New York City? yes
57. Have you ever been to Disney Land/World? Yes, many times
58. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Jack and Sally
59. Last thing you cooked? Grilled cheese
60. Stupidest thing you've ever done with your cell phone? nothing
61. Last time you were sick? Really sick? This past Spring. I had a sinus infection. I can no longer taste well...or smell. FUN!
62. Random fact about you? I jammed my lower back into the corner of the metal counter at work today. Ouch.