Going out of my mind.

Dec 11, 2003 17:36

Oh dear.. well today has been yet another unproductive day in my life. I swear I have to get a job. I am SO bored sitting around the house all day... especially when I dont have a gym membreship anymore. Which will be changing very shortly.. maybe.

Depends if this Saturday I pass my agilities test.. if I do then I will just have to sit tight and do what I can until Jan. 12th. Maybe get a lil part time seasonal job or soemthing.

And if I odnt pass it then I will get my gym membership and work for trancare.

Anyhoo today I did absolutely NOTHING. I was supposed to hang out with Ashley but I friggin fell asleep. God what a loser I am. Plus she is leaving tomorrow for like ever it will seem :( Im really gonna miss you Ashley, please dont stay till Thursday thats just way too long!!!

Anyhoo I guess me and Shawn are gonna go out to dinner and to see that movie Bad Santa.. unless theres soemthing else better to see.

Then... eiher this weekend or next we are gonna go out to Orlando to hang out with Linz and Nate.

Hmmm.. nothing more really to say Ive just been so bored. SOOO bored.. I need to find something to do during the day.. ANYTHING.. well preferablly something that pays.. hehhehe..

Im out like trout.... catch me if you can!!! haha..

WOW. Im going crazy. lol
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