DWCon 2010.

Aug 31, 2010 11:42

Right, this will be rather rambly and only moderately organised. And .

Also, I may very well have left some interesting and lovely people out.

Arrived earlier than I'd expected on the Thursday. Checked in and found that I'd been upgraded as requested to an executive room - for a total of £25 per night (£12.50 per person). THIS IS WORTH IT. Here is why:

* A quiet executive lounge where you can hide when feeling overwhelmed
* Free internet and printer in said lounge
* Cricket on the telly
* Free cups of tea and bikkits through the day. Apparently someone (probably ssirienna, who incidentally badly bruised her leg on Day 1 but then won the Maskerade on Day 3 with a Puccinian Questa maledetta porta si blocca, which I always heard more as Mozart or Rossini) went in at 3pm and got fresh cream and scones too.
* Free canapés from 6:30 to 8, which are very edible, include vegetarian stuff and hot food and can, if applied sensibly, replace dinner. By all accounts from other Con guests, this was an advisable thing to do.
* Free alcoholz at the same time as the canapés. Not only Pimm's and gin, but bottles of (lager) beer. You're not supposed to take it off premises. But I noticed a few bags going *clink* at 8.05pm, and I couldn't possibly comment...

This is an example of the Capt. Samuel Vimes Boots Social Unfairness Theory, which shows that paying more up front, if you can, results in paying much less in the long run.

Then I walked to the station (starting in completely the wrong direction, as is usual for me), and went to see the lovely landfill_sky, which involved lunch, pie, looking at pretty buildings, gin, strangely coloured chocolate, gin, walks in the rain, singing and gin.

Friday was a bit more relaxed to start with, though I was a panel guest on crazyscot's book panel, along with rmc28, Ross himself and watervole. Guys, pass me some Bujold and Stross please, or I'll continue to bore you about how wonderful Tigana is.

Though I was intending to take a back seat at the Guild, I ended up having ideas (as usual) for things the Priests could do during the Rat Race (rat golf that starts before the Gala Dinner and carries on till late). The best idea wasn't mine though - Nugganite Twister; abjure the latest Abomination unto Nuggan by stamping on it with as many limbs as possible. But I did contribute Speaking in Tongues - reading DW books translated into a language you didn't understand but sounding convincing doing it. Apparently that worked quite well.

Had a chance on Saturday to relax; went to a couple of talks - Fr Lionel's Unsolved Mysteries (rochvelleth, heard of the Glozel Tablets? I want to put you and Lionel in touch) and Ian's on Deterministic Monkeys (at which I learned that the monkeys-typing-Shakespeare idea was originally mentioned in Roman times and referred to Ennius). Then took part in the quite hard Unseen University Challenge. This was my first sight of glingle_feegle's roommate, Wotcher the Cute Teenage Vampire in the Nnyngy Crinoline. Who is SCARY as well as gorgeous, makes her own farthingales and knows more about Discworld than even Terry does...

I briefly stuck my head round the Maskerade door at JUST THE WRONG MOMENT - in other words, when Davina popped up and, er, out.

Managed to sing And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda at the acoustic music bit accompanied by flexor WITHOUT blubbing. Am informed a couple of others blubbed, though. Job done.

Sunday was the day I had done most work to prepare for - the Church of Om. In the event it came off pretty well; I printed off 100 pew leaflets but that was not nearly enough. Fr Lionel brought his usual Blessed-esqueness to it, the audience participated and most of the gags were laughed at. His Terryness wanted to come too but had a signing session conflict. However, the service was filmed and should be available on dwcon.org in a couple of weeks (along with the service sheets). We found a proper synth and Faith played it properly. The tech Just Worked - again, mad props to Ross and his Gopher Minions. Couple of small learnings but overall much positive feedback.

Later that day, I did about half-an-hour's sort-of-cabaret performance during the Rat Race consisting of songs and poems (Mary Sue, Albert and the Monkey, taimatsu's Hamster Tree Song, and Men of Lancre with watervole doing poi to it). Went rather well considering how much rehearsal we'd done. And it spawned a new idea - "Mole: All Round Entertainer".

I didn't end up going into the Scone and Jam at all for several reasons. One, there was only one set of music folders; two, the amps were too loud; three, I was having a great conversation where I was; four, I had performed a lot that day already. I'd have liked to do my version of Delilah (Detritus), but meh.

Monday's main event, the Rocky Horror Discworld Show, was a bit shorter than I'd expected but contained much of brain-breakery, including a Vetinari/Frank with astonishing legs and able to dance in 5" heels. Igor/RiffRaff wath thuperb, blessed as he was with a Beeblebroxian extra arm. Columbia was suitably cute. 900 Discworld fans Time-Warping at the same time was marvellous. But the Great Angua Pronunciation Wars rumble on - I seem to be in a minority who use two syllables ([aŋgwə]) rather than three ([aŋgjuə]). I wondered what the hubbub following it was, and found that the Nnyngy Crinoline had been borrowed by glingle_feegle to set a new Discworld record. She was lifted 6 feet in the air and managed 15 people at once under her skirts (and yes, she was sensibly wearing trousers).

And it was good to take time out to chat to people such as oscarhocklee, ruthi, ailbhe, rmc28, martinoh (who was a source of confusion for people who did not know either him or me very well), fanf, caerleon, sessifet25, shivers_g (Head Igorina, who made scars look cute), countertony, trialia, dr_stewie, maryrperkins, the_hatstand, the_hunter, et al. Made new friends too - hi, lasayla. Also the usual catch-ups at various times with Peter and dduane. Must drop them a line next time I'm in Ireland.

Had a bit of 4th Edition D+D as well, with zombies and tentacles (to be expected when oscarhocklee is DM). Seems fun at first glance.

My guest, gabriel_chase, had her first experience of a DWCon. She's a veteran of Doctor Who and Tolkien cons, though, so it seems nothing came as much of a surprise to her (except my snoring, though even that was only bad on one night). I hope and believe she had a good time, and thank her for coming.

Home at 5:30ish last night, v tired and floppy. "Gondor has no sleep; Gondor needs no sleep" say the Tolkien Society, but I beg to disagree. BTW, will not be coming to Oxonmoot this year - lack of cash, time and need already to be in 2 different places that weekend of which I can only make 1.

It's an odd feeling. I've been a DW con-goer now for over 10 years. I've met many lovely people. I'm getting older in flesh but not in spirit, and certainly no wiser. I seem to have carved my own little niche, am respected and accepted, and people like what I do. Long may it continue even though I don't have time for alt.fan.pratchett these days.

Things to do before the next Con:

* Put Pippa in touch with Lionel;
* Get the Om stuff on the website;
* Talk to Ian and Jack in October;
* Suggest a readthrough event and a classical music one. Briggsy was in favour of [A], and I (and some others ;-) ) have good memories of previous DW readthroughs I've done.
* Possibly get a committee minion role.

Things to do for the next Con:

* Schedule my time a bit better - I missed at least 2 things I wanted to go to;
* Don't ask Ops to print souvenirs;
* Have the words to the Church of Om on OHP;
* Get further All Round Entertainment.

Thanks to natural20 and the gang for another four days of fun, silliness and joy.

filks, friends, geek, singing, bless this hosue, yay, dwcon, gigs, fun, good ideas, meets

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