Pak v Aus, Lord's, Day 4

Jul 16, 2010 20:09

Up betimes, and fielded a disappointing though not unexpected call from Dad who wasn't well enough to come. He's got a number of things wrong with him, and I (and Mum) am very worried about him. He hasn't been well enough to do a number of the things I've invited him to or bought tickets for him recently. Prayers and good wishes would be strongly appreciated, please.

Dad particularly wanted to turn up because his business colleague in Australia (also Peter Smith, oddly) had a son called Stevie. Stevie has just made his Test debut in this match.

Walked up to the Grace Gates and there was Robin, on form and looking very excited. The man is an utter sweetheart. A down-to-earth Yorkshireman with a number of similar obsessions to my own - cricket, early music, Pratchett, Iain M Banks, Cthulhu, Fred Trueman, Neil Gaiman... and just incidentally one of the top countertenors in the world. I will be sending him some links to rot his brain, and have recommended the Anno Dracula series as one he should look at. Anyone else who liked the concept of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but wanted it done with due social, historical and cultural research, you're recommended it too. He was intrigued by the concept of filk. Muahahaha.

Over Pinot Grigio, Marston's Pedigree and strawberries, we tried not to talk shop too much - though he says he didn't mind - but I picked up some very useful tips including a breathing exercise of great joy for the calming of the nerves. And some rather fun anecdotes...

As for the match, despite my early fears we saw a large amount of cricket. During the lunch break, Robin and I also met Stevie's mum and dad outside the Lord's shop for a brief chat; clearly very proud parents. Salman Butt, Umar Amin and Kamran Akmal all played well, but Marcus North emerged as an unexpected matchwinner - his more than part-time, but definitely second-string, offspin causing a rash of silly shots and bizarre dismissals and giving him 6-55. Stevie also chipped in with a useful 3-51.

Overall, a good day that did much for this mole's soul. And a mutual desire to do it again next year.

A report of the match can be found here. I note that Boom-Boom has fallen on his sword, perhaps rightly so.

lords, fanboy, memories, cricket

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