Falling Before Her Eyes - Chapter 12 (The End)

May 03, 2011 18:11

Hello everyone! I'M BACK!!

Fully recovered from a disastrous dental surgery, I am happy to present to you the last, final, and much anticipated chapter of FBHE!

First of all, thank you to everyone for your messages about my surgery, and your general support throughout a pretty difficult month for me. You guys are like a family. Seriously. I love you all.

That being said, I have to be honest. This chapter kicked my ass. It was totally cruel to me, dudes. It fought me tooth and nail, and went through many versions and adjustments until it became its current form. And even now, it's too large to post here, so I'll be linking you to it at FF.net.

I'm not totally happy with it, but I think I would be hard pressed to find the perfect ending to this story as this has been such a big deal for me. As my first posted, reviewed, and literally completed fic, it's been such a journey for me that I didn't quite know how to end it. It's emotional, to tell you the truth.

I wanted it to be something big and magnificent and heartfelt and spectacular. But it ended up being almost simpering and soft in its closure, and for me, leaves so much open that I feel a little awkward when I re-read it. But then again, that's how I think their relationship ends with the story as well. Lots of questions, some hope, and a heavy dose of hair petting. So perhaps its an appropriate ending.

I hope you all like it, becuase this is all for you folks. You've given me so much in terms of support, reviews, comments, and great criticisms, and I want to do you proud. So thank you, for everything. Totally. For reals y'all. You have no idea.

That being said, I've made some allusions to the fact that this is not entirely the end of Falling Before Her Eyes. So, I'd like to invite you all to check back for the next 3 weeks, on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Falling Short - A 6 Part Epilogue. This is something I'm doing exclusively here on the Comm to thank you for your support. More information later ;)

EDIT: Oh yea... and Roxanne lost the perspective poll HARD. Three votes to like 75-billion for Megs. Poor Roxanne. You all hate her, don't you :P No worries! Plenty more story ideas involving her getting her time in the spot light! So final chapter is from Megs' view!

And without further aideu.... I present:

Title: Falling Before Her Eyes - Chapter 12
Author: jentle55
Word Count: 9,884
Warnings: It's the end DX So sad!! Hair touching of epicness and make-outs!
Summary: Based closely on the movie, read the story of Megamind and Roxanne's romance through his changing interpretations of Roxanne's hair.

Full Story on FF.net

pairing: roxanne/megamind, character: minion, character: roxanne ritchi, author: jentle55, character: megamind, fanworks: fanfic

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