Apr 03, 2011 18:45
Speaking of crowds, I noticed that Dreamworks tried to be very PC in the sense of including a range of ethnic groups in the Metro City crowds, but they seem to have left out a significant discriminated-against group: handicapped people. I saw no wheelchairs, walkers, even canes. The closest thing was the little girl on crutches in the dodgeball scene, and this was clearly a temporary situation for her. There has been much discussion on this comm of the way Megamind seems to bounce back from blows that would send a human to the hospital, but even the humans seem not to be vulnerable the way humans are irl. Different universe, different natural processes. This would make Hal, with his little bit of a hunchback (which you can see when he is viewed in profile during pre-Titan scenes) one of the worst physical specimens on the planet, which would go along way toward explaining his personality.
On the other hand, if you want to be dark about it, you could hypothesize that the handicapped are so discriminated against that they can't go out on the streets.
If someone has scrutinized the movie better than I and seen some actual handicapped people, please let me know.
discussion: biology,
discussion: metro city,
author: joanhello