Title: Black Hole Sun, Chapter Twelve
Author: Roki
Word count: 2407
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Angst. OC.
Summary: Sequel to
Fix You. In which a movie is watched, jealousy rears it's ugly head, and Megamind feels the harsh sting of betrayal.
Chapter One:
Paper PlanesChapter Two:
Feel the Rain On Your SkinChapter Three:
Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper
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Comments 16
And lol at her picture being under his pillow. That is so adorkable.
The poor guy was SUFFERING! Even worse, he was suffering in a completely isolated manner, where even Minion wasn't paying attention to him. It was a poor choice on Megamind's behalf to choose to experiment on Minions catfish friend, BUT I do take into consideration that he was high on painkillers at the time.. and that he feels absolutely AWFUL about it now. At least we know that he'll never come close to doing something like this again, to anyone!
I can understand why Roxanne is so hurt, confused, traumatized herself. The worst thing is seeing that she's very nearly as isolated and suffering alone as Megamind. If only she would realize that mutual comfort is exactly what's needed for both of them to heal.
Oh well, it's only a matter of time now that Wayne and Minion have made a matchmaking pact together, eh? LOL!
And yes, it is only a matter of time, mwahahaha >_>
Love the idea of Minion and Metro Man brainpooling to get Roxy and Megs together. *sings* Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match...
Wayne and Minion. Working together.
Megamind and Roxanne will never know what hit them. XD ROFL
<3 X3
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