Title: Stay Classy Megamind Fandom
Genre: Fan-Vid for the FANDOM
Song: Raise Your Glass
Artist: P!nk
Warnings: Some foul language, a couple of muttered F-bombs, hints at adult themes, but nothing naughty is shown. *puts the Adult Concepts filter up just in case anyway*
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ds_hina megabluelove filthy_animal arrowtibbs invderlava tripperfunster junosunderland merry_faerie threequarterfox and everyone in the Megamind AIM Blast group for their support, artses, and encouragement.
So, I was going to save this for the DVD release, and it was gonna be a little different, but in light of recent events I felt it had to be done NOW.
I made this video because I love this community so much. (If you'll notice near the end of the song, the block of text that scrolls by? That is our list of 429 members. And this is for EACH and EVERY one of you.)
I know to some people this fandom is a passing interest, to others it is a hobby, and to others still it's an obsession.
For me, this community and the fandom is like a family. I've never been so open in a community before. Seriously. I'm not afraid to talk about kinks, smut, and unconventional pairings. We have in depth intelligent discussions and I can bring all my points to the yard.
I've never been so active in a community before either. I'm a lurker by nature. I read, I don't comment, I hide, I don't post, I check every once in a while. But not this community. Not at all. I'm checking it in the morning before work, at work, as soon as I get home from work, on my phone. Always.
Because of you guys I broke out of a huge post-graduate creativity slump. Because of you guys I started writing again for the first time in ten years. excluding an RP based thing back in 2004.
Megamind was an awesome movie and I love it to pieces. But if it wasn't for you, my dear community, I wouldn't have created anything for it. My love for it wouldn't have grown like it has. It would still be something I would squee over, but never do anything about it.
I know that when out of no where a huge majority of people suddenly seem against you that you start to question what you have done, who you are, what you're doing now. It's really very very easy to suddenly believe that you were in the wrong all along.
But my dear, dear fandom, I want you to know that you don't have to change a thing. Not for the cashiers when you walk up with some coloring books and a junior novel at the age of 30, not your friends when your room is plastered with swag, and especially not fandomsecrets because who cares what they think anyway? I mean really. It's fandomsecrets
If some people are so "embarrassed" by this community and its fandom that they would leave it, well, that's really very sad. But a handful of people leaving out of over 400 members isn't any reason to change what we have going here.
We have our own culture, our own memes. We can laugh about tentacles and discuss serious character development in the same thread. I can gush about Megamind and Roxanne's cuteness and then turn around and do the same for Metro Man and Megamind in the same sentence without being flamed. I think the most daring response I would ever get would be "eeeewww." This fandom is incredibly lacking in wank.
There are no shipping wars, there are no flames, we don't have any trolls, and some people even take the time to comment: "Hey, I normally don't like this pairing, but this is pretty awesome." The only time there was ever anything resembling wank had absolutely nothing to even do with Megamind and we all put it behind us pretty quickly.
Despite the incredible maturity of the fandom, we have a tendency to be quite silly. And some people end up taking it too seriously and are going to be embarrased by some things the fandom does. Personally, I take everything light heartedly and in stride and that's just how I've learned to roll.
We can't ruin a movie for someone unless they go looking for something to ruin it for them. If it's our behavior that "ruins" it, well they don't have to read the discussions in the community. If it's our fiction, they can read the summary and then decide not to read it. If it's our art, they can read the description and choose not to look. There are tags for people to sort through what they want and don't want to look at.
The only ones letting something ruin this movie for them are themselves.
A lot of newcomers might not feel it as much because we're so large now, but this is the most welcoming place ever. I always feel a flutter of glee when I check the community and there's a new post.
We average 10+ threads a day and it can be a lot to go through, but I know that I and other people make an effort to read and look at everything when we can and comment and welcome you with open arms.
This place is awesome and we have our own culture. I have met some very very awesome people on here and we've become quite good friends. At least I think so. I feel like you've all opened up a part of yourselves to me and I have in return.
So don't let this community, don't let this fandom, pay for other people's personal wank. (Why yes I did just change a quote from the movie. Hurrr.)