(no subject)

Jun 13, 2017 00:03

I'm NOT in Love Prologue :

Roxanne did not want to admit it who would ever admit to liking the company of a supervillain? But sometimes she could not help herself his eyes were so beautiful. Everyone thought she hated him but did she really?

Where was she right now? Oh she remembered she was being strapped to a chair in yet another Kidnapping. Roxanne had grown tired of the same routine it gets boring sometimes.

"Miss Ritchi Prepare for the awesome wrath of the" - Megamind was cut off by Roxanne rolling her eyes and thinking Here we go again.

Megamind lifted an eyebrow with a smirk on his face and said,

"Why Miss Ritchi I am I boring you "?

"Yeah you would be bored too if you had to sit in a chair and listen to some egotistical villain talk nonstop about destroying the City everyday and have his plans constantly fail .". She said

"Ouch" thought Megamind but did not want to let her get the best of him so he smirked and Said "The Kidnapping are not for your entertainment Miss Ritchi they are so that I can take over Metro City and defeat MetroMun". he stated to her.

Megamind pulled off of the curtain to his latest creation, he filled six bottles of wine, into the machine and then cackled at his master plan of course this machine was not the invention that he was going to show Roxanne. But, he was curious about what the Reporter might act like if she were subjected to various amounts of drinks.

" I will show you just how successful my machines are, behold the alcohol beam, it will reduce even the most worthy of opponents into a state that will render them powerless against their will!

It is time for you to meet your maker Miss Ritchi”!Megamind declared dramatically as he turned the gun towards Roxanne and shot the powdery gas bullets towards Roxanne.

Roxanne looked around the room filled with Pink like dust, and then raised and eyebrow and said, "Oh my god I'm so scared this has got to be your best plan yet. Megamind how could I let your genius defeat me, I'm completely under your power". Roxanne said sarcastically

At first Megamind gave her a look that seemed like he was hurt, before he glared at her and then threw the gun down with frustration. As yet another invention has failed him, he sat down in his chair rolled closer towards Roxanne and said,

" Oh shut up people can not be perfect all the time, even Metroman has a weakness and I will find it in the meantime, I would like for you to stop acting like you know everything, because you do not miss Ritchi"

At first Roxanne looked perplexed and thought "Nice come back" But then smirked but she can do much much Better. Suddenly Roxanne felt dizzy and her common sense and judgement went out the window. She could fell all the drinks that she had come into effect, she tried hard to fight it, but it wasn't long before she fell under its spell.

"Megamind do you think I'm pretty"? said Roxanne playing with her hair and batting her eyelashes.

Megamind looked shocked and blushed purple and said "Villains do not have Cruishs with their captives"!

"You mean crushes". said Roxanne corrected with a hint of lust in her voice that spooked Megamind out a bit, he rolled back a few steps from Roxanne and looked at her awkwardly and then whispered,

“What in Metro Man's sake is going on, did the gun work? Or is she just being a temptress again, Minion"?

"Minion looked at Megamind with confusion and then shrugged his shoulders and whispered, I do not know sir, I do not think Miss Ritchi has ever acted like this, I think your Alcohol beam was too strong Sir".

"Whatever Minion is the machine ready"? Megamind asked as he looked over his shoulder to check on the progress of his latest scheme that he had whipped up for today.

Roxanne sighed with frustration as she looked up at the villain as he stood up from his chair to check on the progress.

"Still warming up sir ".said Minion

"Damn it, I'm trying to take over a city do you know how hard that is without a destruction of mayhem at my disposal ". Said Megamind

"What so you can get it destroyed later". said Roxanne pointed out showing a bit of her old self again, until she noticed how upset she was making him. Her face fell and her eyes looked grey and sad.

Megamind decided to ignore the strange change and continue on with the game.

Megamind Glared her and said "NOOO so I can kill MetroMan"!

"Look Megamind because of the rumor with Metroman I haven't gotten laid in forever". said Roxanne with frustration as she looked at him with deep hunger in her eyes, she tilted her head to the side and then shifted in her seat in a way that exposed a bit more of her cleavage then normal.

Megamind blushed and said, " I don't feel very comfortable talking to you about this Miss Ritchi especially when I never kissed a girl before".

"Hey Megamind mean neither ". said Roxanne with a laugh when she noticed how fluttered she was making him. She thought it was adorable, even though she was acting out against her will, she would be lying if she did not enjoy it a little.

"Ha Ha very funny". said Megamind as he blushed a deep shade of purple.

"Megamind will you let me out". said Roxanne as she slurred her words more, the effect of the gun becoming more hard to resist.

As she slumped a bit in her chair, Megamind had foolishly put six bottles of wine in that gun and expected her not to act like a drunken fool? He really was stupid for a guy who claimed to be the smartest guy on the planet.

"No! I'm not going to let you out, I should have not kidnapped you from that party you had way too drink ".

"I'm not drunk Megamind,I'm telling the truth She insisted as she got closer the smell of her breath made him cringe it was pretty obvious to everyone, but Roxanne that she was drunk even Minion could tell.

As Roxanne hung on to him by wrapping her arms around his neck and then looked at him, “You are so handsome, if I ask you to kiss me will you? ". She said as she looked at him with desperation and longing.

"Minion She definitely has to go home now, she just said 'Megamind' and 'handsome' in the same sentence and she said she wants to take advantage of me !" Megamind said with disgust, he had dreamed of Roxanne saying that to him, but not like this!

He wanted her to mean it. Not just say it because of something she drank. He really,really liked her but he did not want anything bad to happen he did not want to take advantage of her drunken state.

"Oh dear Miss RItchi how much did alcohol did drunk you know what that does to your body". said Minion with concern, and worry as he looked into her pupils to see if they were dilated or not, he also instructed her to walk in a straight line and she could barely walk all the way over the line.

Megamind gulped as she got closer to his mouth, despite his disgust for her breath, he could not help but shiver a bit as she drew closer, after all no matter what state she is in, she is still Roxanne Ritchi even in a drunken state. She has found a way to control him with her Temptress ways, it frustrated him to know end.

" What's wrong Megs aren't you going to kiss me, and tell me how much you care, in that super sexy voice of yours”? Roxanne said flirtatiously as she looked at him with desire and love as her blue eyes looked at him as a playful smirk graced her tempting temptress lips.

Megamind could not help but smile with interest, for someone who prided themselves on being good, and fair to others. Roxanne Ritchi could be deliciously evil, he was almost tempted to kiss her but, she was drunk he wanted her to remember their first kiss.

"I'm not going to sorry Miss Ritchi, I maybe a villain but I have standards. I do not take advantage of drunk women especially you Miss Ritchi. You look like you could use some help". Said Megamind noticing Roxanne could barely stand.

He picked her up Bridal style and She laughed and said "You are really Strong and smart too".

‘How powerful is that machine? She would never give such complements or flirt with me in such a manner’ he thought awkwardly and to make things worse is he could smell the alcohol on her breath it disgusted him.

Minion used the knock out spray and took her home.

The Next day Roxanne woke with dissatisfactied groan she had the worst hangover in history!

What did she do last night? Roxanne thought as she tried to retrace her steps. The Alcohol beam, 6 bottles of wine, Megamind, Kidnapping.

Wait that was it! The Kidnapping !

Oh god whenever she was drunk Roxanne said stuff that she would never say to anyone her darkest secrets. If Megamind kidnapped her then he knows that she thinks he is handsome great she was ruined.

Meanwhile the events of Last night kept playing in Megamind's mind. He could believe that Roxanne said all those things about him .

Perhaps maybe there is some part of her that does not hate him. What was he thinking? He is is the city's super villain and her captor. So of course she hated him! She doesn't like him she would never like him.

He thought with despair as he began to plan out his next evil plot. In silence leaving only his thoughts as company.
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