Hello all. I haven't been on here very much and I probably won't be around here very much in the future. I still love Megamind very much, however, and I am on Tumblr. I didn't move to Tumblr to replace my activity here, though, I haven't been creating much at all for the Megamind fandom - that's just how it's turned out because of other obligations, not because of a lack of interest. My name on Tumblr is Misshapensharks, and I'll eventually post all of my old MM fanart there in the MM tag. If I ever make any new MM art, I'll be sure to post it here first, always. In the mean time, here is the only piece of MM fan art I have that I have not posted here. I was going to wait until I wrote up to a certain point in my fanfiction to post it, because it goes with the story and is other wise kind of a spoiler, but as it seems I won't be finishing my fanfiction any time soon (I want too, but time is limited now and days and I'm pretty sure my fanfic journal with all of my notes is trapped in storage six states away T_T) I'm going to post it now.
I was very proud of this at the time I finished it and I still like it, though now I can see it's not as good to my eyes as it was when it was new. Anyway, here is Roxanne as what she would look like if she was Megamind's race. Has this been done before? I dunno, haha.
The swirl pendant around her neck is a fancy version of Megamind's holowatch - it can scan people's visages and replicate them, and record voices for mimicry. It has a default setting though, which is Megamind's race. In Roxanne's case, she hasn't scanned anyone, but merely has it on Default, and the necklace has projected this form over her human features, and this is the result. Like Megamind's watch, it does not change eye color. In my fic, on Meg's planet, Blue eyes did not naturally exist and colored contact lenses were not culturally popular. The people on Meg's home world were also rather vain when it came to the color blue, and so Roxanne would be regarded as a beautiful and perfect being.
Her outfit is also symbolic of events that happened in my fic. The breast window represents the Sun, and the circle on her stomach represents earth. The gem on her belt is earth's moon. The two circles on her knee's are the two planets of the Glaupunk Quadrant - Meg's and Met's, and the lines connecting from the two circles to the earth circle represent Roxanne and Bernard's space travel to the two planets. The gems on her wrists represent Roxanne and Bernard, and the cross shapes on her boots symbolize the two unseen forces pulling at the strings of the two governments of Meg's and Met's planets. The shape of the pendent is supposed to be like the shape of a galaxy, while symbolizing the beginning, end, and source of life, infinity (or Fibonacci), and fate/destiny (in some ways, the equivalent to God for Meg's people).
I also believe the black and blue color scheme was a sign of power and importance for Meg's people's culture, but I can't remember my reasoning for giving Roxanne these colors, but I'm sure it had something to do with the progression of the fic.
Sorry the pic is so big, it's actually shrunk compared to the original. Clicking her will allow you to see the entire image and also the full sized image for close up view.
Wowowowow sorry for the lengthy description. I hope you guys like her and it's nice seeing this place still holding strong.