Nov 28, 2012 01:28
I know Rise of the Guardians is NOT Megamind. But please. Go see it.
It's done VERY poorly on its opening weekend due to competing with Twilight and James Bond, which is a very familiar scenario we're all aware of. But this IS about Megamind in a sense because if this truly doesn't make Dreamworks money they will fail when they've seriously tried to make things right. They've advertised like crazy, they've encouraged and thanked fans on Tumblr, they've made swag, and the movie itself is genuinely GOOD with magnificent art, interesting characters we're all familiar with from our childhoods, and no pop-culture references or fart jokes or ANYTHING. It's Dreamworks actually trying to give a shit and believe in themselves and they're falling flat on their face for it.
Encourage your friends to see it. Tell them some crazy chick online told you it's great. Because it is! I loved it! I seriously don't have a single bad thing to say-- I'd even say go see it in 3D because it looked so GOOD. Augh.
If this fails Dreamworks may fall back on the pre-existing franchises they've bought recently, which IS NOT OKAY. We don't need pre-existing crap, we need stuff that's fresh and new, that gets the artists excited and involved with fans. Megamind was fresh. We like fresh. Fresh is good. Dreamworks is good.
I AM BASICALLY DOING THE EQUIVALENT OF BEGGING. Okay I really don't know what else to say, if this fails it could cause many many future years of company damage. And if the company is damaged, Megamind will truly NEVER be picked up again. Unless they get oddly desperate and try to milk us for money (which I highly doubt). I don't know how many fans are around anymore, but I'm being very serious when I say you should go see Rise of the Guardians, if for no other reason than to support Dreamworks for doing for ROTG what WE wished they would have done for Megamind.
I am probably over-reacting and way too worried but MY GUT SAYS TO PANIC SO I AM. ;;
discussion: box office,
dreamworks being awesome,
discussion: real life