Sep 09, 2012 00:29
You know, it's kinda weird, but it took me forever to really get it through my head that the little blue kid who was picked on in school is really the Megamind we all know and love. I always felt this odd kinda disconnect between the two.
Then, finally, just like a month ago, I was watching a music video on YouTube that switched from a shot of Megamind as a kid to a shot of adult Megamind looking very insecure. Something clicked. I was suddenly able to see Megamind as the kid who got bullied in school and never got over it completely. I could suddenly make out all of Megamind's mannerisms in that child.
Geez, I thought I felt sorry for him before. But after I finally made that connection... I thought I understood his deeply-buried insecurity. But now I finally understand where it came from. It wasn't just having everyone stare at him in horror his whole life, although I'm sure that didn't help. It came from those school days.
I cannot believe how long it took me to really get it.
...And I'm left wanting to scream at Metro Man, "Would it have killed you to pick him one time?!"
EDIT: I found the video in question. It was NineteenNintyTwo's video Broken. It happened around 0:50-1:00.
author: maybeawriter6,
discussion: school,