Title: The Assassin Author: Joan Length: about 600 words Rating: T for scariness Summary: Not everyone loves Metro City's hero, or the hero's family. Post-movie. OC point of view.
That right there is sadly so true, and what is so wrong in the world. Everything has a spirit, soul, manitou, whatever you want to call it, and to believe otherwise in order to justify the killing of ANY being is a sin on and of itself, but wanting to kill a person because they've joined with a being they felt didn't possess one is even sadder. I hope this nameless person serves many many years before he sees freedom again, if he does. Very nice, short, and fortunately, happily ended. Bravo, bravo, encore!
Thanks. One of the reasons I hesitate to continue this one is that the perpetrator thinks of himself as a martyr to the cause of human purity, so he welcomes a harsh sentence. When I poked the muse, she handed me a courtroom scene in which he gets what he really wants, which is to denounce Roxanne from the witness stand while she is there in person, and I didn't want to give him that.
I haven't visited lj for a few days, and here's what I nearly miss! This was a really powerful one-shot. I must concur with talanigreywolf. That guy was truly evil, and he is the one who is sinful.
Thank you. I debated with myself before posting it, afraid it was too powerful, but then I thought about some of the other powerful stories posted here and I decided it could go out.
As for the nameless title character here, I think ladystormcrow said it best in one of her fics: the scariest villain is the one who doesn't think of himself as a villain.
Comments 12
Very nice, short, and fortunately, happily ended. Bravo, bravo, encore!
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