Better grab some tissues...

May 10, 2012 16:56

Because my death animation is finally done! XD OMG, that was the mod from Hell, I swear... I'm sorry I haven't been as active on here as I'd hoped, but my time's been simply eaten up by all of these projects and fussy teachers nit-picking every little detail... I quite literally had to animate Megamind's death sequence 5 times before my teacher was happy with it! XD It's done now though, and I think it came out pretty cool! :D I know many of you (including myself) would have rather seen me animate something a bit happier with our favorite blue ex-villain, but this is what my teacher insisted I do. In any case, he gets shot in the chest and dies in this, though there is no bullet or blood, so you'll need to use your imagination to supply those. XD Enjoy!

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And there you have it! :D I also had to make a turntable animation of my Megamind model, so here's that one for your enjoyment too:

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If you're interested in seeing my animation reel, which includes clips of all of my Megamind animations in addition to others I've done for prior classes, as well as the movie trailer I and a few of my classmates filmed for an imaginary movie we titled "Paws of Fury" (you'll see why ;P), you'll find them beneath the cut! :D (And in case you're wondering, I acted in the trailer. So did my husband! ;D)

First off, here's my animation reel. I know my animation's not perfect yet, but I'm working on it! I had to make this for my portfolio class. The music track is "Forbidden Friendship" from How to Train Your Dragon. :) I would have used music from Megamind, but this just fit better and my teacher liked it. Enjoy!

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And now for our short film/movie trailer! :D This was a blast to make! I came up with the story and script, storyboarded it out, directed most of it myself, filmed most of it myself, did all the makeup for everyone, coordinated costumes for my husband and I, drew up the "production company's" logo (and came up with the name of it)... I edited the film together with some input from my team, then we were each given free reign to finish it ourselves! I put in and animated all the text and titles, images, effects, color corrected it, did the sounds... Phew, was it a ton of work! I literally lived on my computer all weekend working on this puppy to get it finished in time to meet the deadline and I did it! :D I was hoping to use a soundtrack from Megamind for it, but when I tried it with the video it just didn't fit... Sorry guys! :( I ended up mixing together two tracks from How to Train Your Dragon, "This is Berk" and "Counter Attack," instead and it worked out rather well. :) Anyway, I'm the cheetah Felite and my husband is the gray tabby Felite leader. I hope you guys like it! :D

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Cast (In no particular order):

Cheetah Felite -- Heather Peck
Gray Tabby Felite (Felite Leader) -- Jonathan Peck
Puggle Canite -- Brian Smith
Brown Canite ( Canite Leader) -- John Yasment
Ocelot Felite -- Morgan Baerga
Dalmation Canite -- Shane Smith

And there you have it -- the fruits of my labor for this mod! Thank God that's over! XD Just one more mod to go -- another 8 weeks and I graduate with my A.A.S. degree!!! :D Then it's off to Rochester Institute of Technology to get my BA in Film and Animation -- and possibly catch DreamWorks' eye while I'm at it (they watch that college and hire right out of it)!!! I finally got my acceptance letter -- I start there in the fall!!! WOOOOOOO!!! ^_^ Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed my videos! Stay awesome, everyone! You guys rock!!! <333

discussion: school, genre: drama, fanworks: fanart, rating: g, artist: megam1nd, discussion: fanart, epic, fanworks: other, discussion: fanworks, discussion: real life, genre: angst, character: megamind, genre: humor, for the lulz, genre: action

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