Here's another B word challenge that was given to me last night.
Let's call this a teaser of a not-too-distant future chapter in my fic, the Blue Defender Chronicles, Book One: Hero Now.
I believe the story is becoming quite the "Dark fic" as I work on it, especially as Backlash has seemed to aquire many Jokeresque qualities. Doesn't surprise me much...he's another of my favorite characters, and was bound to slip in somewhere.
This piece is rated 'M' for it's dark content.
“…take a look at this.”
Walking to the small table lined with sharp, shining instruments, he paused to pick the best knife, choosing one with a serrated edge, then strolled on towards the larger table with his specimen strapped to it.
The blue alien was already glaring at him. They’d played this game a few times before, but now it was for an audience, now it needed to be fresh. Backlash wanted this to look good for the citizens helplessly watching from their TVs and computer screens.
Stopping beside it, he looked up into the bright green eyes, full of hatred with just a fraction of fear, and grinned devilishly at them as he lifted the knife to the creature’s side.
Just a moment for the audience to catch their breath, to watch their hero tense up and turn it‘s head away from them. Then, he plunged the blade through the skin, twisting it around to draw the edge down across five ribs, making sure to deeply scrape the bones.
The agonized and angry growls the alien made against the fabric over it’s mouth was music to his ears.
Coming back over to the camera, he held the knife close to the lens, and looked at the purple liquid with complete disgust, “It doesn’t even share the color of our blood.”
By the way. Would anyone happen to know how a lowly writer such as myself can become worthy enough to earn an Author Tag by our fantastic comm's Generously-Evil Overlords? I would be most grateful indeed to be given this honor :) <3
Have a totally awesome Tuesday, everyone!