Yup! Apparently MvA has been greenlit for a
Nickelodeon tv show. I don't know about you guys but I'm kinda excited for this, especially since last I recall MvA was another one of the franchises DWA had put in the "discontinued pile". Maybe they just meant no more movies?
I haven't been keeping tabs on the Kung Fu Panda series all that well so I don't know how its doing, but MvA could work well as a tv show IMHO. Think of all the B-movie homages they could play with. It could be like Ghostbusters... but with aliens, cos aliens are better xD
Anyways, it's a much saner decision than some of the others we've discussed *coughUnderpantscough* And even if it doesn't directly mean anything for Megamind, I do think it is a bit encouraging. Any thoughts?