Title: The Masochism Tango
colonel_bastard &
junosunderlandCharacters/Fandom: Hal Stewart, Hot Flash. Megamind.
Word Count: 7,865
Rating: R
Summary: It takes two to tango, but when both partners try to lead they just wind up going in circles.
Warnings: Gratuitous language, violence of all sorts, a lover's brawl to bring down the house.
Notes: A long-overdue official collaboration between me and Juno! We set up an arena, then she brought her fiercest Hot Flash and I brought my nastiest Hal. Fight fight fight! Set in a post-movie world where HF has broken Hal out of prison, given him back his powers, and they've ended up in the kind of relationship that blurs the line between passion and poison. Also they're probably going to murder each other. No blow is too low, no trick is too dirty--- they're playing to win, they're playing for keeps, and at the end of the day the only thing that matters is who's in control. Title taken from
the excellent Tom Lehrer song. You can raise welts like nobody else. .