Done and Done

Dec 15, 2009 20:34

What is it with post offices having TINY ass parking lots? I mean really.
But BUT I FINALLY got around to shipping off my Christmas care package to Kathy and Hideo even tho I bought their stuff back in November. All hail Queen of Procrastination. Well at least I got it off in time to get there before Christmas. But my Christmas stuff is DONE finished! Woot.

Sorry only immediate family got actual gifts, the rest of you are getting e-cards. Uwaji doesn't pay me enough and after taxes and what they take out for benis + the cut hours I'm only making just a tad over $1000 a month now -_- BOO!

The store isn't doing so hot. ANOTHER one of the deli staff is quitting. Already 2 sushi makers have quit, one wok chef was fired and the one who was hired to replace him just up and didn't come in to work one day. no notice no nothing. and we still haven't gotten anyone to replace him and NOW another wok chief is quitting. he's our best one too. He's starting his own place in Seattle's Chinatown. Then Sunday night one of the big water pipes on the roof burst flooding the dinning area out front. That's gonna be expensive to fix I bet. I don't know. I really hope the store doesn't close, else I'd be out of a job. My Benis Just kicked in and I've finally been able to see a dentist for the first time in like 4 years. -_- Blah.

If things don't get better by May, I'll seriously start looking for a new job. I didn't go to college to be making $9.75 an hr. A city job would be nice.

In other news. I love Mercedes Lackey. I know Kai likes her and now I know why. I've read like 10 of her books in the last 6 months. I just finished The Fairy Godmother and put the next book of the series on hold to pick up at the Kent library. Yay Library! It's so cool. You can go to their web site, look up a book and if it's not at your local branch, they'll have it send over from another one :D Saves me lots of money on books


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