Lazy summer days...I'm trying to make the most of them before my crazy summer class kicks in. I put in applications at three Starbuckses in the area before the weekend. They seemed excited about my availability, but I haven't heard back yet. I hope I get a job soon! *crosses fingers*
Yesterday I went with Andrea's RE class to a Baha'i Center. They were the nicest people! They fed us breakfast and led us through their typical Sunday morning services. Then they split up into groups for classes and we had a really interesting discussion. I thought it was so cool that they were willing to talk seriously about religion with us. They even seemed interested in coming to visit our church. I was also impressed by how youth-oriented their congregation seemed. The UUs seemed like just a bunch of aged hippies in comparison.
After that I went back to our church for a congregational meeting. So. Boring. The parliamentary process drives me crazy, but I guess its necessary. And some exciting mom was elected President of the church :D I'm sooo excited for her. She's kinda socially anxious like me, so its nice to see her conquering this fear of public speaking.
Oh yeah, and my little sister is a frikkin creative genius...
She's absolutely crazy about birds, and she makes these little pictures in *Paint*. The "Got Durian?" picture is a cute thing she made for her Gaia store. How can she make these things in Paint??
She also recently got a new bird, a parotlet named Mango. She's soo cute ^^ She has this little coconut bungalow she likes to hang out in.
Leah is crazy about her.