Jan 26, 2007 17:43
Wow amazing isn't it? It been what half a year since I posted? I never really thought I'd be the type to write when I'm not off on some great adventure, but a) I've been hearing "why don't you ever blog anymore?" from friends and b) I'm feeling the need to talk.
I think I have an imp of adversity riding about on my shoulder. First my purse gets stolen before Christmas and my camera, cell phone and memory key stolen out of it. On the lucky side it was dumped and someone else turned it in with my ID, electronic dictionary and greyhound tickets still inside. However I'm just now receiving a replacement cell phone.
Over Christmas I start receiving letters from some cancer screening board telling me to get my butt to the doctor for my YEARLY pap. *cringes* And here I had been told after the last I only needed it every two years. Ouch.
Fast forward to the start of the new semester. Tuesday: first day of all my new classes and I'm plagued by this horribe one sided headache, nausea, and sensitivity to light. Took some tylenol and had a nap after Canadian Foreign POlicy, thought it was gone when I got up for Japanese at noon, but it came back by the time class started. Struggled to get anything out of Japanese or Japanese ling then pretty much felt my way back home and and didn't move from a dark bed the rest of the day. So much for starting my Pol Phil paper. Suffered another one and lost pretty much all of Sunday, which was paper writing day. Damn. Scary thing is, I've never really suffered from headaches or anything of that nature before in my life, so I was pretty worried.
Went to the health centre on Tuesday for the migraines and was informed that physicals were walk in so I should do everything together. *winces* I walk out with a prescription for sumatriptan (for migraines @ about $10/pill)the dreaded pap done for another year, a referral to the gyno and a strongly worded recommendation that I am a person who absolutely needs to have that new HPV vaccine, if my insurance will cover it and should really consider it even if they don't. Besides the fact that altogether it costs $450, I'm sure you can all guess the only possible way of administering it. yeah panic attacks!
If this isn't bad enough, I get another migraine Thursday evening, so I pull on my PJ's pop a pill and lay down till it takes effect. Until my mouth and face start to get this prickly sensation, my body seems to have 50 pounds extra strapped to my head and limb, and I feel dizzy and horribly nauseous, but worst of all I can't seem to breathe very well past this huge lump in my throat. Then I pull my aching, I think I need to puke body out of bed to hang over the toilet and read the pamphlet in the box. So I went to Andrea's room to ask if she'd keep an eye on me just in case, and read the pamplet. She takes one look at me, asks my symptoms reads the thing and says we're going to the hospital. I convince her to call poison control first, they confirm we need to go to the hospital and I am not under any circumstances to walk the two blocks it takes to get there, even if we call an ambulance.
So we get dressed, Andrea goes to find our RA, no luck then to find David, who has a car, who drives us to emergency and waits with us. I didn't get in till 2:30 since the breathing got easier after a little bit and when i wasn't lying down. So I'm definitely allergic to sumatriptan and things related to it.
The only blessing to my new prescription is that it's cheap, but that's because apparently it's not as affective as the ones I'm allergic to. It's not even stocked at the U of A pharmacy. So when I finally got ahold of some (suffered another migraine before I got it, too) the pharamacist tells me the side effects: drowsiness (which what I was trying to avoid) and HEADACHES, believe it or not. *headdesk*
So what with all this, my paper is running quite late and my readings have been neglected, but the paper's in and has been handed back, and I'm slowly catching up on all my reading (I'm very reading heavy this term.)ANd I'm trying to get my clock back to decent hours. Though considering the time right now, I'm not terribly successful.
On a positive note, I made my naginata bag finally, plus I bought my hakama and keigogi, so I look spiffy when I go to practice. This weekend Kenzie's coming home from her shift up north so I get to see her, and I'm going on an interesting "field trip" on SUnday with friends.