Title: Reclaiming Honor - Written In the Stars
Characters/Paring: ZukoxAang
Rating: PG (The fic of origin, however, is PG-13+)
Word Count: 241 in the clip - Fic's over 20k
Warnings/Spoilers: If you haven't read
Reclaiming Honor, and you haven't gotten to chapter three yet, it could be spoilery. But otherwise, it's totally worksafe. Title taken from the Aida song "Written In the Stars," lyrics follow:
Nothing can be altered, there is nothing to decide
No escape, no change of heart, nor anyplace to hide
You are all I'll ever want, but this I am denied
Sometimes in my darkest thoughts, I wish I'd never learned
What it is to be in love and have that love returned
Rather suddenly Prince Zuko was behind him again, catching his hands and looping a slip knotted rope around his thin wrists with practiced ease. Aang nearly jumped at the contact, more surprised that he had not noticed him coming up than he was when the prince grabbed his hands. Quite contrary, that had not surprised him in the least. The rope, however…
“Why are you-”
“Uncle will ask why you aren’t tied up,” the prince said quickly, looping the treated hemp rope around Aang’s wrists two more times, crisscrossing it at the middle, then tying it off tight. Not quite as tightly as it had been the first time, but more than tight enough to keep up the image the prince wanted put out. The Avatar winced a little as Prince Zuko put pressure on his bruises, but was careful not to say anything. The comfortable spell of their truce was already beginning to fade, and he did not want to help it along. After a moment’s silence he realized that Zuko was still holding his hands again and looked up to see the prince staring blankly ahead, and aside from occasionally brushing his calloused thumb over the blotchy bruises along his wrists he was not moving. Aang finally sighed and leaned back against the other male’s chest lightly, closing his eyes. Rather abruptly Zuko’s head snapped downward to look at him, and with a last lingering touch he moved away.
The base for this image (before that tedious background) is also my sig on Avatarspirit.net:
here. :3
Title: Awkward Turtle - Oricharas
Rating: PG?
Characters/Paring: Pema+Ka Ming
Spoilers: If you know who they are and what their purpose is, you've already had it all spoiled. ;D