Nov 05, 2005 10:02
I fell asleep at my laptop yet again. I really need to stop doing that. ><;
So yeah, yesterday: School was boring, what else is new? <<; Psych thest that I probably failed, got back our tests in calc (I got a 77%), switched seats in physics, bleh... health, concert choir, lunch (there was a fight or something...), and Spanish we had a pre-test thingy on perfect preterite. Yeah, fun stuff~
At 5 I had to go to work. When I got there Hannah (one of the supervisors) was like, "Ashley! What happened?" O_o;; Wtf? Then she said I was supposed to be there at 4. No... I wrote down 5-9, why would I write it down if I was supposed to come in at 4? Then I look on the sign-in sheet thing and it said..."Ashley Fields -- 4-5" ONE HOUR? O_o; Yeah, uh... no. That can't be right, they screwed that up somehow. I know I was told 5-9, so that's what I worked yesterday. Needless to say, I was very confused all day yesterday...
I was somewhat confused while working to because it's now November and the turkey coins are out now. See, for those of you non-Connecticutians or people from Massachusetts, Big Y has a coin system where sometimes you get either a Gold, Blue, Red, or Silver coin that you can use for discounts or free items sometimes. Turkey coins are for free turkeys for Thanksgiving. Yeah, well I wasn't sure where those were since they weren't in my drawer... turns out they're in the other drawer. <<;
Then as I'm about to sign-out at 9... I looked at my schedule for next week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and... Saturday?! O_o; Uh, no... I'm not even going to be in the state that day. I know I wrote in that I need that day, that weekend, off. Hannah saw a blank spot in my schedule and just assumed I wasn't working so she wrote me in. <<; Hopefully they got it all sorted out now. I can't go in to work if I'm gonna be in DC that day...